You Were Meant to be Near Me

Start from the beginning

"You. We could move to California and become hippies. Are they a thing still? I saw it on some show at like two in the morning the other day. Steve can't be a hippie, but you could. Run around all day with no top on just for me."

"Buck, I don't think Stevie would be okay with being your long-distance bootie call."

"Yeah, he'd hate that. I'd hate that. He can't suck my dick if he's like three thousand miles away." He scratched Alpine behind the ears and then booped her little pink nose. His nose scrunched up as he giggled when she tried to swipe at his hand. "I'd miss him for more than that, though. Yeah, we can't leave my Stevie behind. That would suck. We have to make him less...cranky."

She snorted out a laugh as she walked across the room to look out the window. "Baby, you're the cranky one. He's just the very rules-oriented one."

It was still early in the morning and the fog was still hanging low over the lake as the sun tried to poke through the trees. They'd been there for three days, and today was the first time she woke up feeling like herself again. The headache was finally gone, she was less jumpy, and Bucky was making her laugh again.

"What are you thinking about, kitty cat?" He tilted his head back and tried to look at her through one eye.

"I'm thinking," she hummed as she turned to look at him. He was sprawled out, shirtless. His muscles shifted as he played with the cat. That deep cut V of his hips that dove into the grey sweatpants. One long leg draped over the back of the couch and the other on the floor in the most inviting man spread the world has ever known. The sight alone made her fucking wet. "That if you catch me before I get to the water, you'll get your cock sucked!"


He barely got the question out before she bolted for the back door, crashing through it and running toward the lake, laughing as she went. She pulled off her shirt and flung it into the grass somewhere, hearing the door open and slam shut behind her. She knew he'd catch her, but the chase was just too much fun to resist. She was about to unbutton her pants when strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her off the ground. As she screamed and laughed more, he hoisted her over his shoulder.

"Bucky! Put me down! Don't do what I think—" She screamed as he took off running with her, tossing her off the short dock into the cold morning water and then jumping in after her.

"Oh my god, you're an asshole! This is so fucking freezing!" She yelled and splashed at him, trying to swim away from him but not making it very far before his mouth was on her.

"Come on, baby. I'll warm you up."

"You're so damn cheesy!" She bit her lip, flung her arms around his neck, and then squealed when the fabric of her shorts was ripped away from her body. "Oh shit, Bucky? Are you serious?"

"I love you," his head found its home in her neck, sucking and biting in ways that were guaranteed to leave a mark. He didn't care that no one would be around to see it because he liked seeing it. "I love you so damn much. I love that you're not afraid of what I am or what I've been. I love that you don't care that I'm old as shit. I love how your hair smells and your body tastes."

Immediately she could feel his cock press against her belly.

"Okay, one, where are your pants? Two, how are you hard? It's like polar bears and penguins cold in here!"

He brought up a hand holding their soaking wet clothes just out of her reach. He grinned and tossed them onto the dock before she could say anything. "I've never had sex in the water before. The bathtub doesn't count, I don't care how big that thing is." He cupped her ass and squeezed it as he smirked, "Run away with me, or just stay here with me. We can live here forever. Scott can send you more pot, and Steve can visit, and we can sleep till afternoon, and we can have sex all day long. Christ, you have an incredible ass."

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