Hidden In The Shadows

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It was the day of Mr. Potter's trial, I was nervous about the whole thing, not just him being found guilty or Pa being rated out. I might be dead and rotting to Tom and Huck.

I was waiting in the room for the trial to be over, I couldn't come because I was on punishment. Suddenly, Pa charged in the door.

"Aquene we gotta go!"

"How come?"

"No time for questions just get up and out of here!"

He hauled me from my cot. I clutched the book I was holding and we ran out as fast as we could.

Soon, we were deep in the woods, we found an abandoned moonshine still. Pa picked up a tin jug and shook it.

"There we go, a good drinkin'."

He chuckled.

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"I'm too young for that stuff."

He pointed behind him.

"There's a stream in the direction we came from."

"If I go, I won't find my way back to you."

He rolled his eyes.

"Retrace our steps, you can do that...nevermind Aquene, you're still on punishment, I'll get you a jug of water."

He got an empty tin jug and walked off. A minute later, I was bored. He left his jacket, he still had the map to the treasure. I searched it, I found the map, took a quick peek.

"There really is treasure around. One-Eyed Murrell was a rich man."

I put it back and noticed one of Pa's knives, I picked it up.

"Let's what I can do with this."

I looked at the nearest tree and threw it, I gasped. I ran to the tree and pulled it out.

"Oh my God...Pa would be so proud of me!"

I got a small piece of wood from the fire and drew a coal colored target on the tree.

Pa came back to me reading my book, the knife I threw with was right next to me.

"Here, you got your drink and I got mine."

"Did you get lost?"

"No I didn't, cause I know these woods off the back of my head."

I look up from my book.

"I won't be upset if you say you did," I grinned.

He just looked at me and sighed.

"I almost got lost one time on the way back. Don't laugh...don't even laugh!"

I held in my laugh. I calmed down in a second.

"Pa, I have something to show you."


I held up the knife and stood up, he was mad.

"Why do you have my knife!?"

"I wanna show you-"

"Give it to me!"

"Please, let me-"

"Nah uh, no, first you lied to me, now you're stealing from me!"

"Pa!" I yelled.

He looked like he was gonna beat my ass.

"Aquene, give me my knife before I beat you so hard you'll be sleeping like a horse, standing on all fours; now give it to me!"

Ah-keen-ah! (A Tom and Huck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now