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The air was thick with heat and the night was alive with the sound of music. I found myself at my friend's party, surrounded by a sea of drunken bodies strewn about. Amidst the chaos, and then there was me and my friend.. The scene was lively as we found ourselves on top of her kitchen island, drinks in hand, dancing away. The cheers of the crowd encouraged us to keep going, and it was then that my eyes met Jonathan's. With a chuckle, I waved at him, grinning from ear to ear, before turning back to my friend and dancing with even more enthusiasm. As I was standing on the kitchen island, my friend was dancing nearby. Suddenly, Jonathan walked up to me and lifted me over his shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh since I was a bit drunk and being swung around was quite fun. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I'm keeping you safe," chuckling. His actions made me feel secure and protected.

Jonathan escorts us to his sleek black sports car, opens the door to the passenger seat, and gently places me inside, ensuring my comfort. My voice is barely intelligible as I try to speak, slurring and hiccupping with each word. I ask, "Why are we leaving?" My companion responds, his voice tinted with a hint of worry, "It's nearly 5 in the morning, Y/n, and you're completely inebriated. We need to get you home safely before anything happens." He chuckles, but it's forced, and I can tell that he's concerned for my well-being. As he leads me towards the door, the room spins around me, the dim light casting eerie shadows on the walls. I stumble forward, my legs feeling like jelly, and struggle to keep my balance as we make our way out into the cool night air. "Alright, sweetheart, let's get you cleaned up before bedtime," Jonathan says with a gentle smile as he fills the bathtub with warm, soothing water. He carefully helps you out of your dress and into the bath, making sure you're comfortable before stepping out to grab your pajamas from the bed. You can hear the sound of running water as you relax in the tub, feeling the tension in your muscles ease away. After a few minutes, I step out of the warm bath, feeling the droplets of water run down my skin as I wrap myself in a soft towel. I carefully choose my clothes for the night, making sure they are comfortable and cozy. After brushing my hair and teeth, I climb into bed, where Jonathan awaits. The cool sheets provide a refreshing contrast to the warmth of my body as I snuggle up to Jonathan's comforting embrace.

He gently cradles my face and looks into my eyes with concern. "How are you feeling now?" he asks, his lips pressing against mine in a tender kiss. I nod, feeling reassured by his touch, and rest my head on his chest. His steady heartbeat is a comforting rhythm that lulls me into a peaceful state. "I love you, Y/n," he whispers, his voice filled with genuine affection.

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