Chapter 8

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"Come on, just close your eyes and trust me," Wanda says, you look at her with uncertain eyes because you have played this game before and never has it been a good idea. Granted, you played it with friends in high school and friends from work, Jean and Kate definitely are not to be trusted. But seeing as there can't possibly be something bad that she could feed you, you shut your eyes and hold your mouth open. But as you feel her get closer you shut your mouth out of instinct. "Stop! Open up!" she says as she shoves your shoulder. You open your mouth and try your best to keep it open until you are told to close and taste. You try to open your eyes again but Wanda doesn't let you. "How many times do I have to tell you that you need to experience the flavor with your eyes closed?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot we were in a rat movie," you say with a full mouth.

"It's a real thing, come on. Experience the food with your eyes closed," she tells you and you start to chew and focus on texture and flavor. There is a bit more heightened experience but not much difference. "You're chewing too fast! You need to slow down. Really let every bite release the flavors." You shake your head and try really hard not to laugh as you slow your jaw down. You had no idea that Wanda was so serious about food.

This was the first time that you've been able to see her since completing the wall. You and Wanda texted back and forth often and tried to make plans to see each other but they kept falling through. Until Billy and Tommy asked when they'd get to see their friend again. And since Wanda wanted to meet your ex-wife after hearing so many stories about her, she manipulated the plans so that you'd invite her. Jean was more than happy to be invited and she even asked to bring her wife along. Which inspired Wanda to have an impromptu party. She invited her friends Carol and Agatha, as well as her twin and his family, and allowed you to bring any guest that you would like. She wasn't specific, but she was kind of hoping she'd get a formal introduction to the unofficial girlfriend. But you only brought yourself and beverages for adults and for the children.

The week that Rachel went back to Jean's house, was the week you and Daisy had a date every night. You were starting to warm up to the idea of seeing her as a romantic partner. Being around her finally got you to stop thinking so much about the situation and start living in the moment with her. That being said, you still weren't ready to introduce her to anyone as your girlfriend. Especially not Jean, who still wasn't sure about the whole thing. Part of her is just hoping it's a short phase for you before you find the person that you're meant to be with.

"Baba!" Rachel runs into the kitchen and hides behind your legs. "Tommy is it! You have to protect me!" She screams and you open your eyes and swallow the rest of the food in your mouth.

"Wanda, thank you so much for inviting us," Jean says as she joins everyone in the kitchen to throw away some of the empty cans and bottles she collected on her way in. "It's been so wonderful meeting you and gosh I don't know how you're doing it raising two boys on your own half the time," she compliments. "I tell you, if it weren't for Y/n and Anna, I don't know what I'd do."

Wanda smiles and thanks her for the praises. "I really have a lot more help from friends and family than it looks. My mom would have been here but she's been helping out so much I thought she deserved a break from kids," Jean laughs and you smile at the light joke as you hug Rachel who is still begging for sanctuary. Tommy is running around the house and stops when he spots Rachel in the kitchen but as he is about to run through Wanda stops him. "Excuse me mister, what did I say about the kitchen?"

"But Rachel is-" his reasoning is cut off by Wanda's disciplinary glare. "No playing in the kitchen," he pouts.

"Since you tried to break that rule, you have to give Rachel a ten second head start," Wanda says. Tommy sucks his teeth and tries to make an argument but he follows the penalty that his mom has set.

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