Chapter 13: Holiday

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I looked up from my phone after reading the comments of my recent post

"Your a tease" Alessia laughed as she read the comments

I laughed slightly before carrying on watching the program

I knew that this was the right time to ask her, so without second thought I asked her the question


"Hmm" Alessia said as she focused on the tv show

"Can you look at me for a second"

Alessia turned her gaze to me

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously

"Yes! I've been waiting so long for to ask the question" Alessia said excitedly

"You could have asked!" I laughed

"But I wanted you to do it" Alessia laughed

I hummed before leaning in and kissing her

"Come on let's go to bed" i smiled at her

We got into my bed and fell asleep shortly after

I was awaken by Alessia drawing patterns on my shoulder

"Come on harls, we need to get up for training" Alessia said softly

I groaned and turned around so I was facing her and pushed myself into her

"Come on sleepy" Alessia teased

We both got a notification on our phones, meaning it was most likely the group chat

Alessia grabbed her phone and read the message

"Never mind, training and all the matches this week have been cancelled so the management have decided to ship us away to Ibiza for a week" Alessia said putting down her phone

I shot up "Ibiza!" I said excitedly

"Oh look who's awake now" Alessia laughed

"Come on we need to pack!" I said jumping out of bed

I dropped Alessia off at hers so she could pack a suitcase and then drive back to mine so I could pack mine

I picked Alessia up on the way to the airport

"I can't believe we are going Ibiza for a week" I said excitedly

"Guessing your just a little bit excited for this trip?" Alessia teased

"Just a little" I teased back as we pulled up to the airport

I jumped out and grabbed both mine and Alessia's suitcase

"I can push my own" Alessia protested

"It's fine I've got it" I smiled at her

We made our way to where the group were standing

"Morning girls" Kim said

"Morning" we both replied, I gave mine and Alessia's suitcase to the management team and went and talked to Leah

"I'm sorry mate for yesterday" Leah apologised for yesterday

"You've got nothing to apologise for, if anything it proves you want to protect Alessia" I said putting a hand in her shoulder

"So what actually happened"

"I was spiked during a night out, lucky Beth was near but I basically didn't know anything that was happening during the time lucky Beth told me everything that happened" I explained

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