their love language

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So, this is a scenario about the characters love language.. Let's start!


Ali: Receiving gifts. You and him have always liked to change gifts!

Khai: Words of affirmation. He always say nice things to you and also compliments you 

Bulat: Acts of service. He always made you something to eat

Sam: Physical touch. He would hold your hand or pats your head everytime he get a chance

Jet: Words of affirmation. He's the type to compliments every little or big things you do and always shower you with compliments

Chris: Acts of service. He'll come running everytime you ask him for help

Rudy: Acts of service. Although he doesn't looked like it, he would do anything for you and always be the hero

 Zass: Quality time. He's always there for you and also wouldn't skip the chance when you asked him to hang out

Aleks: Receiving gifts. He always had something to give to

Seis: Acts of service. Remember that he's your private tutor. 


Me: Done! I think that act of service is my love language, but I'm not sure.. I'm probably a mixed one though but anyway, thank you and happy reading !

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