when you got your test results

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So, on the previous chapter, it is said that you're on your exam so, in this scenario, it is about when you've done with your exam and finally gets your test results. You got into the top 10. Let's see the characters reaction!


Ali: He's happier than you like he's the one who got into the top 10

Khai: Proud of you and gave you a gift as a reward

Bulat: Bake a cake (your fav flavour) and writes “Congratulations” on the cake

Sam: Says that it's all thanks to him

Jet: Bought a ticket to some water park. He said he's disappointed that you got into the top 10. (Look back in the previous chapter if you're confused)

Chris: Says that he's proud of you and wants you to keep on track

Rudy: Pats your head and says that it's a reward

Zass: Gifted you a headphones. (He says he's been keeping his money for that)

Aleks: He gave you another teddy bear (yeay)

Seis: He said that you still need to catch up to get into the top 5 (He actually proud of you but just don't know how to say it)


Me: The end! I don't have any ideas lately so, please bear with my randomnesses.... Btw, thank you and happy reading !! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

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