a book and it's cover

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As we walked towards the closet, Beer opened the closet door to reveal several stacks of books on some of the shelves, documents, supplies, etc. Beer throws a few stacks of books everywhere while searching.

"I swear im gonna snap that jackass' neck in half if he doesn't fix these books properly..." He quietly spoke to himself

They then pulled out a manga with a familiar cover, the one Beer and Trowel took away from me a week ago. They then walked outside the closet closing the closet door and sat on a wall next to the closet.

"This is yours right? I might have read the whole thing but i did save the page on where you last left off on."
  He said as he hands me the manga.

I took the manga from him and awkwardly thank him.

I walked back to my desk as i begin to flip on some of the pages and found two bookmarks, the colors of each bookmark resembles a non-binary and transgender-like colors. The non-binary bookmark is suppose to be mine as i look at beer's bookmark that is a page away from finishing the manga.

"I feel like Beer has read this before..."

I turned my head back to the closet to see Beer throwing almost everything that's inside the closet. He must be rearanging them like what he said earlier.

I then turned around my back to spot Trowel peacefully writing something at the back of the seat, next to him was Wallet making paper airplanes with...is that gunpowder?

"Alright everyone, gather around!" Catcus called for the four of us as the other two at the back walked closer to the front and Beer angrily shoves a binder in one of the shelves and walks to the chairs sitting next to Trowel.

Cactus looked at everyone and back to the board as he takes a piece of chalk and starts writing something on the board. I glanced at Trowel and Beer whispering about something but was later interrupted from a nudge by Wallet, i then looked back at the board to see some sort of planner...

Okay boys, we only have two weeks before the festival starts, so, we need to come with some poems for this festival and maybe spread them around school. But for now i think its best we start with the poems first. So, for today's assignment, i need all of you to make a poem and share them to one another tomorrow. We will all be making poems until the end of the week, and then we will start on making our plans for the writing festival next thursday."

"I think that's all we can plan of for today, I hope that everyone will prepare for their poems tomorrow. Meeting dismissed."

I looked at the board and then at Wallet who wanted to walk home with me today. I looked at he duo who already walked out of the door. Just the two of them walking home together as always...


While me and Wallet were walking home together a figure of two people caught my attention from Wallet's "fun murder crime activities". I've noticed that we've been following Trowel and Beer for about a minute or two, Trowel turns his head around and spotted us following them.

"What are you two still doing here-" Beer places a hand on Trowel's shoulder as Trowel pauses. Beer's place is only close to our school but i suppose he wanted to visit Trowel's place.

"Well, i didnt notice that you guys are gonna be here. Say Trowel, how about we go steal a coffee shop?" Wallet said as he approached Trowel and Beer.

"I have curfew idiot..." Trowel replied.

"Well, tell your bitch-of-a sisters i say hiii." Wallet said, mocking Trowel and Beer's sisters.

"How dare you call Wine a bitch?" Beer said glaring at Wallet. "But it's truee."

"You two better get lost before we'll make you..." Beer says in an intimidating tone.

"Oh, im so scared..." Wallet says in a sarcastic manner. Me and Wallet then separated ourselves from Trowel and Beer as we arrived at my house. I walked in my room and pull out my notebook as i begin to write my poem.

Time had passed as i finished my poem i go to bed and ready for my next day at the club.


The next day, i get up, take a shower, eat breakfast, pack my poem and my bag and i walked out of my house to school. After class i rushed to the classroom a minute late and saw Wallet doodling something on the board while Trowel and Beer reorganizing the closet. Adding labels to each of the plastic containers and all that. The two of them waved at me as i waved back, there was no sign of Cactus anywhere.

I didn't have anything else to do so i decided to help the two of them reorganize the closet. I place the books in the right category of the labeled containers and slided them on the shelves.

As we finished, we walked back to the front row and pulled Wallet from the chalkboard.

Wallet groaned, "Ugh!! Where's Cactus?! He's taking forever to come here..."
"He might be running a little late today. But yeah, he's been taking too long. I think we should-"

Before Trowel can finish his sentence the door opens as Cactus walks in the classroom while trying to catch his breath. "How was the ru-"
"Shut up Beer, we'll start sharing eachother's poems in 10 minutes." Cactus cuts Beer off and angrily walks away.

"Took him long enough to get her from basketball practice..." Beer mumbled to himself and grabbed Trowel by the wrist to sit somewhere. I sit down on my desk and just started drawing while Wallet decided to go somewhere as usual before we start.

Ten minutes later, we all started sharing eachother's poems. I shared my first poem to Cactus first, next Beer and Trowel, and last is Wallet. Each of their poems have their own meaning and looks on how they write about it. It was interesting for me to read each of theirs.

As we finished sharing, Trowel and Beer were sitting at the corner reading Trowel's book while Wallet decides to mess with the chalkboard. I was getting bored until Cactus walks towards me.

"Uhm, hello?" I said

"You're Wallet's neighbor and classmate right?" Cactus asked

"Uh yeah?"

"Go take care of him, he can be a little...deranged..." He said.

"Wha-" "Just look after him."
Cactus walked off. "We will talk about the festival tomorrow." Cactus said.

Time passed by and me and Wallet walked home together as always. I went home and write my next poem before i go to bed for the next day.

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