Chapter 1: Tragedy

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A few hours ago...

Abhimanyu had come out of the OT and changed after giving the good news to the patient's family that their family member was perfectly okay and would be discharged after recovery soon. He eagerly waited for the airport to arrive and felt like the cab driver was driving so slowly. He couldn't wait to see his wife and Neil. And he had been feeling a weird restlessness for a while, as if something had happened. He certainly hoped nothing had happened, especially not to Akshara.

Akshu, the light of his life, his love, his everything. Sometimes he thinks that his life would have been miserable and lonely forever if Akshu hadn't waltzed into his life and made him fall in love. He would die if anything happened to her, he remembered how depressed and hopeless he had been in that one year of separation. And yet, his idiotic self had decided to jump to divorce despite being so helplessly in love with her.

Abhimanyu got angry at himself everytime he remembered his past actions. His anger truly did render him into a senseless idiot. Despite being so enamored with Akshu, he had given her a divorce notice. All those fights and all those tears and pain he had caused her, completely shattering her faith in him and showing how much he lacked understanding for her. Abhi was so thankful everyday that she had decided to forgive him for all that stupidity and take him back as her husband and give their relationship a second chance.

He was so thankful that he got back in his senses and told her the truth about how he still loved her and didn't want to actually divorce her, it was just a result of his uncontrollable anger at her leaving without any warning, leaving him to fend for himself in a world that he didn't want to be in without her. He knew now that she had been helpless, but all that anger had just burst forth when he had finally seen her and found her after so long.

Abhi promised himself everyday that he would never, ever, ever repeat that mistake ever again. He would learn and try to control that bursting, senseless anger of his to the best of his ability. He didn't truly think there would ever be a day where Dr. Abhimanyu Birla turned into a calm and peaceful person, but he could try to be less temperamental.

Besides, he was truly happy with his life right now. Akshara was pregnant and they were expecting twins, of which he hoped at least one was a girl. Abhi wanted a little princess that was just like his precious Akshu, so full of light and life. Neil and Aarohi were also expecting, and no matter how much Abhi disliked Aarohi, he was truly happy for his little brother. His wife may be an absolute liar and manipulative person, but maybe her child and Neil's love would truly change her for the better. He knew that no matter how she was, Aarohi did love Neil.

"Apka stop aagaya," the driver called out, pulling Abhimanyu out of his musings.

Thanking the driver with a smile on his face and paying for his fare, Abhimanyu rushed into the airport, checked in, and boarded his plane to go back home. Home. The place that Abhi used to hate going back to every time, but now could hardly wait to go back home to his adorable wife, even despite her crazy pregnancy cravings in the middle of the night.

I mean, who even eats carrots with ice cream. Akshu blamed Abhi's health freak nature mixing with her love for ice cream in their babies, which never failed to bring a laugh to Abhimanyu's face. Upon seeing her adorable scowl, he quickly promised that it was only temporary and she could go back to enjoying her ice cream without carrots once the babies were born. At her cute pout, Abhi had to resist so hard not to kiss her right then, because then they would get distracted and the ice cream would melt, leading to him getting an adorable little scolding from pregnant Akshu and then would have to go back out to buy ice cream all over again. The scolding wasn't really punishment, in fact it was so bemusing, but the trip was literal pain, as he had to be away from Akshu for a little while.

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