Chapter 3

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As the door opens he sees Shaun standing up with his hands up pleading for his safety as Johns own body is standing over the other side of the room with tears flowing down their face as a look of fear is planted on it. As John meets his own eyes he notices the shock in the eyes which only confirms to him, that his sister must be occupying his body as well, a complete body swap. John walks into the room and tries to calm his sister down as he explains what he thinks has happened as that still fills her with fear as being stuck in his body is still a punishment far worst then death to her. As she bolts out of the room brushing past her own body and into her bedroom slamming the door behind her.

“Dude what the fuck is happening? Is that actually you John?”, Shaun asks still standing up In a very cautious stance as he still hasn't processed the situation.

“It really is, I have no idea what's happened, but it's me…John”, John found it very odd as the usual deep voice no longer exited his mouth but one of a higher pitch which keeps catching him off guard.
They stay stood not sure what to say to each other as Shaun stares at Johns new body in astonishment.
“I mean, it isn't the worst thing”, Shaun shrugs as he looks further over Johns body.
“Doesn't every guy wonder what it'll be like to be a girl?”, he adds.

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