Începe de la început

To prevent any unfavorable outcomes for Y/N, Snow took measures from the very first day of her arrival to ensure her well-being. She was placed under careful watch, provided with proper nourishment, and subjected to prestigious training before even assessing the weaknesses of the other tributes. Snow considered himself fortunate to have perused the files of each tribute before encountering her. Although today marked the special occasion of the first training, he had already taken notice of particular tributes even before being discovered by Dr. Gaul. It wasn't a matter of sneaking into the lab during odd hours but rather a strategy to memorize vital information to enhance his tribute's chances of victory – the least he could do for her.

As the hour passed, signaling the end of breakfast for all mentors and tributes, Snow emphasized that he would meet her at the arena. While he wasn't particularly excited about it, he understood the necessity for both of them. In a life-and-death scenario, staying fully aware of one's surroundings was crucial, even if it meant a simple amphitheater. Snow's luck in surviving the scrutiny of Y/N's file revealed that she had been diligently studying the Games and her home. This knowledge brought a sense of relief, a realization that this game meant more than just power—it was about control.

Earlier this morning, Snow took care to dress impeccably for his time at the Academy. Observant eyes began to notice the subtle alteration in his uniform, a touch perfected by his esteemed cousin Tigris. Unlike the previous Games, this special occasion called for a blouse that complemented his red coat, adorned with a flower symbolizing wealth—the same symbol he had bestowed upon his tribute. Something about Snow seemed different, and his classmates couldn't help but acknowledge his opulence. "Looking good, Coriolanus." Remarked one of his peers, quick to notice. Following suit, many others expressed their admiration in ways that held significance to them. Whether it was a blouse and rose for Coriolanus or a complete uniform change for his classmate, slated to mentor District 1, each gesture reflected their individual priorities. As the wealthiest among them, Coriolanus graciously acknowledged the same compliment he had received before returning to his duties.

In the classroom, Dr. Gaul made a deliberate effort to acknowledge each student's unique fashion preferences, although some deviated from the expected norms with a bit more effort. Swiftly transitioning, she redirected the discussion to the main focus of the day's lesson—training. Emphasizing the significance of comprehending not only the tributes' strengths but also their inherent weaknesses, Dr. Gaul delved into a subject that happened to be Snow's favorite among the lessons taught back at the lab.

"Now I suspect that each and everyone of you will have the ability to meet your tributes before Training today. But remember, training isn't for chit chats. But to actually make it possible to win."


It had been Snow's primary motivation from the start. Despite experiencing Dr. Gaul's dissatisfaction in the previous Game, he was determined to regain her trust. The moment their eyes locked, he swiftly and resolutely committed himself to making this game worthwhile. His goal extended beyond mere victory; he aimed to have his tribute, his "swan," by his side and secure a place as Panem's ultimate favorite.

Upon reaching the arena, Snow's immediate instinct was to locate her. As anticipated, she was being presented with a proper attire, a new outfit designed to make her conspicuous amidst the crowd. The colors formed a gradient hue reminiscent of one he had seen in a previous dream—a vision now unfolding before his eyes. The desire to reach out, to embrace her, and apologize for the unspoken questions tugged at him. Why had she departed without informing him? Yet, uncertainty lingered—was this reality, or perhaps a hallucination playing tricks on him? Such mysteries would remain forever unknown.

"Hi, Snow." She greeted, her memory retaining his name. This time, her voice held a certain ease in his presence. Recalling the act of kindness during breakfast, she had meant to express her gratitude before the training session commenced. As they neared each other, her appreciation lingered, evident in the softening of his gaze. "Thank you for breakfast. You didn't have to, you know—" Her words were gently interrupted as his fingers brushed against her lips, their softness mirroring hers. It signaled a shift in control, implying that he was taking charge this time. "I ordered them too. It's disgusting to see such human delicacy being left to rot." He asserted.

His confession left her in disbelief, even though she was aware of Snow's penchant for using peculiar expressions. She valued the subtle act of understanding, recognizing that when Snow spoke of taking care, he truly meant every word. The one thing she didn't realize as the Games concluded was that the expectation of returning home would soon become a deceptive narrative. The idea of having her completely to himself remained an illusion. But an illusion he will make a reality.

As he observed his fellow classmates already engaged in their duties, he noticed other tributes discreetly perusing their instructions. He deliberately centered his focus entirely on them, employing a tactic and distraction that he found satisfaction in witnessing reflected in many pairs of eyes. Some displayed fear, while others showed envy or outright hostility. Regardless, it only reinforced his own nature. Just as he was about to redirect his full attention back to her, he offered a genuine smile. "Are you prepared for the training?"

"When am I never?" She mirrored his smile, this time with a hint of cockiness. Snow observed with equal pleasure how delighted she appeared to be participating in the Games, becoming his newfound favorite toy.

"Then show me what you got." 

𝙎𝙊𝙈𝙀𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔 𝙀𝙇𝙎𝙀 - coriolanus snowUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum