oh god another one

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help why do people want more of this, tsukasa's just as dehydrated as your thirsty asses, drink watah
anyway someone said domkasa so domkasa ig idrk im really tired rn but this is better than sleep


Can I come over to my lovely darling girlfriend's house tonight??
I miss her 😋😍

Why not now?
Told you, parents are away for another two weeks

He didn't respond. several minutes flew by and you started to wonder if you'd offended him in some way, or if you made him upset somehow. Then, like some kind of magic, you heard a quick few knocks on your door, and another text popped up.

Let me in 🥺

You laughed happily and got up from the couch, quickly making your way to the door and unlocking it. The moment your boyfriend heard that small click, your door came flying open, nearly hitting you. He threw himself onto you, pressing his lips onto yours with rough excitement as your door closed behind him. You were used to these behaviors, of course, but this felt a little different. He felt a little too eager, and his hold on you was tight like when he was thanking you for loving him. You knew something was off when he didn't pull away at his usual time. This had changed from an 'I missed you' kiss to something a bit deeper. Your breath started to wane, and when you were about to tap out, he finally pulled away. He gasped quickly and stuffed his head into your shoulder, pulling you close, tight to him.

"H-hi... 'Kasa..." you stuttered, absolutely dumbfounded by his behavior. He didn't respond, and you stood in silence for a long moment, before his arm quickly slipped behind your knees, lifting you up. He pressed the side of his head to your chest and carried you back to your couch. You could feel the warmth of the cushions where you had just been. He leaned down and kissed you a few more times, then gave you an almost seductive smile.

"Stay here, okay?"


He took his bag and rushed up your stairs, but not without a quick "Love you!" on his way. You stayed there, as asked, and time flew by as you entertained yourself with your phone. You didn't even realize it had been an hour until you looked at the time. It was dark outside by now, with Tsukasa nowhere to be seen. You got up from the couch, hesitating as you remembered he asked you to stay there. Despite that, this seemed more important. You made your way to the stairs, thinking of what he was doing. Sleeping, maybe. Yeah, that sounded right. Then, your phone buzzed.

Ok come up here

You paused in your tracks. There was nothing special about the message, it just seemed like odd wording for your boyfriend. You continued your way up the steps, arriving at your bedroom door. You could hear some faint music coming through the door. You carefully opened it, waiting for your boyfriend to jump out at you with a surprise, but you braced for nothing. As you carefully opened your eyes, you were immediately met with a sight that warmed your face and stomach.

Several candles were lit around your room, giving a smell that was unbearably inviting. With that came your LED lights, set to red and creating a dark and sultry atmosphere in your little corner of the world. Mixed with the music, it was easy to tell why this had all been set up, but your eyes drifted to the figure in your bed. Tsukasa laid there in that cliche seduction pose, his head resting on one of his hands and his other hand on his hip. He smiled at you and winked, and you felt your knees go weak. Where was your shy, little Tsukasa?

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