Chapter 16. Closure

Start from the beginning

"God." Seungmin's voice breaks, but he takes a steady breath with his eyes avoiding Minho, still.

"I'm sorry. But, Seungmin–" Minho treads carefully, voice calm and mellow. "You can't tell Jisung who he can and can't be with. It's just not fair."

"I know, I know." Seungmin bites his bottom lip, leaning into the press of his chair with his head slightly tilted back, holding tears at bay. "He's just the last person I'd ever expect to do this."

"He didn't do it out of spite or anything cruel, Seungmin. He was just listening to what he wanted. Is that so bad? Is it so wrong of him to just go after something he wants?"

"No. It's not. I just hate that he chose you of all people."

"Why? There's nothing between us anymore. You told Jisung yourself that you had no intention of getting back together with me."

"I lied!" Seungmin's voice raises out of nowhere, head tilting back down and eyes boring into Minho with bridging tears. "I fucking lied to you. Even though you fucked me over and cheated on me all those years ago, I found it hard to move on from you. Why do you think I've spent so much time single and alone?"

"I don't know–"

"I lied to Jisung about the bar. I knew you worked there. I knew you'd be working when we went. I reached out to Hyunjin just to ask if you'd be working. . . and sure as shit, there you were. I just wanted to see you, that was all. I didn't want to talk or anything, but I just wanted to see if you were okay. But the minute I saw you at your shift change. . . I panicked. I left the bar, and that gave Jisung the green light to talk to you."

"Seungmin." Minho sighs, head tilting down. "I'm not worth all of this. What I did to you is not okay."

"I know. But to me, you were worth everything. I learned how to love myself because of you."


"Just shut up for a damn minute, Minho. Shit." Seungmin swallows haphazardly, looking up and blinking away his tears. "I don't want us to work out. I don't expect us to get back together and be magically in love. I was an idiot for thinking that. I'm dating Chris now, and he's really helped me heal through it. All I've ever wanted from either of you was to be fucking honest. I don't know if I would've reacted differently or the same, I just don't know. But. . . I would've been more forgiving. All of the sneaking around, letting everyone else in on the secret but me is terrible. Do you know how that feels?"

"I can imagine."

"It feels like shit." Seungmin's words have more bite than he intended, but Minho doesn't fault him for it. "I want our group to be friends. I want to be able to be around you and have no hate in my heart for you. It might take time, but I want to be able to coexist and be able to see you happy with Jisung. I don't wanna argue like this forever."

"I don't expect you to forgive me, Seungmin. I just want you to talk to Jisung."

"That, I–" Seungmin takes a steady breath. "I can do that. I can call him."

"I'll take it. I'm sorry that this happened like this. I didn't want all of this to be awkward anymore."

"It's. . It's okay. It might take some time for me to accept that you two are together, but I can work on it. I'm sorry for being so hostile and everything. . . I was just in shock and–"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I get it. I'm just glad we're here, now."

"Yeah." Seungmin wipes away any remnants of tears, taking in a soft breath to calm his nerves, almost thankful for the peace cooling over the tension that once lingered.

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