Chapter XV

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The next morning Lan Wangj and Wei Wuxian went to see Qingheng Jun, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren. "Fuqin, Shifu, Xiong Zhang, can we talk?" The three looked at each other then back to Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.

"Come in you two." The two walk into the room. They take a seat next to Lan Xichen. "Fuqin, Wei Ying have an idea," Lan Wangji turn to look at Wei Wuxian, "Wuxian, what is your idea?"

Wei Wuxian tell Qingheng Jun, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen what he have told Lan Wangji. As the three listen to what Wei Wuxian is saying, they think they should do what Wei a Wuxian just said.

"By doing this we should have a discussion Conference first before they leave for the Wen indoctrination."

"A-Huan, don't forget, they need to bring their flare signal for each of the of the clan. Can you send out an invitation for the sect?"

"I Will Fuqin."

"A-Zhan, Wuxian, go tell Sheng to go get ready. When A-Huan is done, then you four will head to the Wen clan indoctrination."

"Yes Fuqin."

"Yes, Qingheng Jun."

About a week later the Yao, Ouyang, Nie, Jiang and Jin attended the conference at the Lan clan. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian watch from the shadow, they don't want to be in there since Yu Ziyuan will glared at Wei Wuxian again.

The two watch as each of the sect leader put their flare signal in front of Qingheng Jun. "A-Huan."

Lan Xichen nodded his head, "Wei Ying, if this happen in the future. Do you think the Jiang clan will still be alive?" Lan Wangji whispered to Wei Ying.

"Mn." 'Is that why I am back here? To change the fate of everyone?' Lan Wangji felt Wei Wuxian lean on him. "I hope that I get to put in the same room as you. Last time I got in the same room as Jiang Wanyin."

"Don't worry, it is either me, Xiong Zhang or Sheng. Don't forget he is also coming with us."


"You don't have to think about the future anymore Wei Ying."


Lan Wangji noticed how uncomfortable Wei Wuxian is, "let's head back to Jingshi," he help Wei Wuxian out of there as they walk back to Jingshi. On their way back, Wei Wuxian rush to a place near the bush or somewhere, he begin to throw up.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji went to Wei Wuxian side, he rubbed his back up and down, "I will take you back to Jingshi first, then I will go find Sheng."

"Okay," so with that Lan Wangji scoop Wei Wuxian up in his arm, he walk them back to Jingshi. When they got back to Jingshi, Lan Wangji put Wei Wuxian down on the bed, "sleep. I will go get Sheng."

Before Lan Wangji can walk away from there Wei Wuxian grab onto his sleeves, "No...don't...leave me...alone....Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji padded Wei Wuxian hand gently, "Alright, I will go get someone to go get Sheng. Then I will come back, okay?"

"Mn," Wei Wuxian let go of Lan Wangji. Seeing that Wei Wuxian fell asleep, Lan Wangji went to tell one of the Lan disciple to go get Sheng. When that is done Lan Wangji went back to Jingshi to stay by Wei Wuxian side.

A minute later a voice shout out, "A-Xian!" Lan Sheng push the door open without knocking on it. Lan Wangji can only sigh, "A-Xian!" Lan Sheng walk over to the bed where Wei Wuxian is at.

"Wangji, what happen? The disciple tell me to come see you. Did something happen?" Lan Wangji begin to tell Lan Sheng from them staying at the conference to them leaving from there to where Wei Wuxian threw up.

"He threw up?" Lan Wangji nodded his head. "Let me check his pulse," Lan Sheng went to check Wei Wuxian pulse. "His pulse seem normal, nothing seem to be wrong with him."

"Did something happen at the conference?" Lan Wangji begin to tell Lan Sheng what happen.

"Must have cause A-Xian a lot of pain to see the people who took him in to dead in front of him like that. Even if they don't treat him right."

The two went quiet for a while until, "can you go make some porridge or soup for A-Xian to eat? I don't think it is necessary for A-Xian to eat solid food. He won't be able to swallow it down."


"If anything else happen, call for me."

"I will, thank you Sheng."

About an hour later Lan Wangji came back with a bowl of warm porridges for Wei Wuxian. He waited for Wei Wuxian to wake up.

Just then Wei Wuxian wake up, he look over at the table. He see Lan Wangji reading a book, 'something smell good,' as he got up the sound of rustle clothes cause Lan Wangji to turn to look at him.

"Wei Ying?" He see Wei Wuxian walking over to him. "That's smell good. What is it?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Is my mother special porridge." Lan Wangji take the talisman aways, the steam came up from the warm porridge. "Sheng said that you can't eat solid food, so I make porridge for you. Give it a try." He push the porridge bowl toward Wei Wuxian.

When Wei Wuxian tasted the porridge a smile appear on his face, "Wow! That is good!"

Lan Wangji smile at how his mother porridge can make Wei Wuxian to smile like this. "Wei Ying, we will attend the Wen indoctrination very soon. Are you going to be okay?"

Wei Wuxian stop eating, he put down the spoon, "I don't know if I am ready or not but I do want to get this over with."

Lan Wangji reach over as he put his hand on top of Wei Wuxian hand, "This time you are not alone. Your not in the Jiang clan, your not there to protect Jiang Wanyin, your here with the people who care about you and love you. I will protect you Wei Ying," 'No matter what...I won't let you go through the same thing again.'

"Mn. Thank you Lan Zhan."

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