You're Beautiful ❤️‍🩹💔‼️

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This chapter does deal with eating disorders, depression, self-harm (kind of) and body image issues. Please don't read if it will make you uncomfortable.

It started as just Taylor not feeling herself. Not feeling motivated to do anything, let alone get up and record, feeling sad but having nothing sad going on, and always being tired. She thought that maybe she was coming down with something, but she wasn't.

She doesn't know why, or how, but she stopped eating again. Not completely, as not to worry you, but she's rapidly losing weight and you're starting to notice. But every time you bring it up, she snaps at you and tells you to leave it. The two of you are growing distant.

She just hates herself for it. She hates herself for not being strong enough to fight it. She hates herself for feeling this way. She hates the way she doesn't feel comfortable in her skin, and the way she would change everything if she could. But she especially hates herself for shutting you out.

She just wishes she was a different person, someone who looked different, someone completely opposite of herself. Someone who could be the person you deserve, not someone like her who's so weak and stupid that she can't even eat a full meal.

She feels so ugly. Her body doesn't fit right. Her skin feels foreign. Her eyes not blue enough. Her hair not straight enough. Not pretty enough. Not smart enough. Not talented enough. Not sexy enough. Not skinny enough. Nothing is good enough. Nothing.
And it isn't just her thinking this, it's the whole world it seems.

"Taylor Swift; Untalented, Ugly, Useless, Bitch."

"Taylor Swift is getting fat. See pictures!"

"Taylor Swift is ugly now?!"

"Jeez, wtf happened to Taylor Swift? She used to be hot lol."

Comment after comment, it seems like they'll never stop. There are plenty of positive ones, but all Taylor can focus on are the ones calling her ugly, fat, and untalented. As she stares down at her phone in her hands, the tears begin to spill out of her eyes. Rushing down her cheeks and landing on the screen.

She finally gets the strength to put the phone down. She pulls her legs to her chest and starts to sob into her knees. She knows you're not home, so she lets herself sob. She closes her eyes tightly, hot tears continuing to run down her face. Her breathing intensifies and she starts to shake, practically hyperventilating.

She wraps one of her hands around her wrists and digs her nails into her skin as she continues to sob. She feels exhausted and weak, but she can't stop crying. Now that it started, it won't stop anytime soon.

Her grip around her wrist gets tighter, and she can feel herself break the skin, but she doesn't care. She buries her face into her knees, her face feels sticky with tears and her chest is starting to hurt. The pain in her wrist is grounding her, but it eventually starts to become unbearable and she lets go.

She doesn't know how long she cries for, but the next thing she knows she's hearing the front door open and you calling for her. She quickly tries and wipes her face, but she knows that it's not going to work. Her entire face is red and small, bloody crescent shapes are on her wrist.

You look around the living room and Taylor's music room, but when you don't find her you go into your shared bedroom. The moment you open the bedroom door, your heart breaks seeing Taylor so upset. She puts her face back into her knees as you sit on the edge of the bed.

"Tay, honey, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"
You speak as softly as you can manage, you put your hand on her head and drag your fingers through her hair. She doesn't say anything, she doesn't even make a move to look up to you. She just stays curled up with her legs to her chest.

"Tay? Can you talk to me? What's wrong?"
You repeat, your voice still soft but slightly more stern. Taylor lifts her head just enough that you can see her red, tear-filled eyes. It breaks your heart to see her so sad, you wish she would just tell you what's wrong so you can make it better. She sniffles and manages to get some words out.

"I'm not good enough."
She mumbles, her voice is raspy and weak. Your eyes widen slightly at her words, you instantly shake her head, you know what the articles are saying. And you suspected that it is affecting her more than she was letting on originally.

"No, no don't say that. You're perfect, they're just trying to get clicks, don't listen to them. Tay, you're so beautiful, you have such a good heart, and you're so so talented. Please listen to me, okay?"

Your voice is practically pleading her to listen to you. She shakes her head softly, wiping her eyes. She wants to listen to you, but there are so many people saying it so it has to be true if hundreds- no thousands of people are saying it.

" I'm not. I'm not good enough! You deserve someone better than me."
She bursts into tears again, you've never seen her cry like this. She's practically sobbing herself sick and it's devastating you. You lift her chin so she's looking at you.

"Tay, you are enough, okay? You are more than enough for me. I love you so much, and so many other people love you too. Please don't say these things about yourself, you're so beautiful."

You say, still playing with her hair. She sniffles again and tries to bury herself back into her knees, but you don't let her and keep your hand on her chin. Swiping your thumb across her cheek, wiping away tears that are still flooding out.

"Taylor, you are so beautiful, I've never seen a woman prettier than you. You are the most talented person I know, you have twelve Grammys, and for someone who is 'not talented', that's pretty damn impressive. You're everything, Tay. So many people love you. I love you more than anything, and that should mean something."

"Tay please, the people who are saying these things don't know what the hell they're talking about. They are just trying to be different and mean, you're beautiful, talented, and definitely not fat. You're healthy, and they're comparing you to when you weren't. Which isn't fair, not in the slightest."

Taylor sighs shakily, letting your words soak in. She leans forward and puts her head on your shoulder, leaning against you. She's still crying, but not as hard or as much anymore. You wrap your arms around her, pulling her close to you.

"It's hard when there are so many people saying those things."
Taylor's voice is still shaky and raspy, but not as weak as before. You nod and trace soothing shapes onto her back. She feels so frail in your arms, and you instinctively hold her tighter.

"I know, I know it's hard to ignore them. But when you feel like this, you need to start talking to me. I don't want you to hurt yourself, I can't lose you, Tay."
Taylor doesn't say anything, she just keeps quietly crying on your shoulder. Your words comfort her and make her feel a lot better.

You continue to hold her, letting her cry as much as she needs. You notice the nail marks on her wrist but decide not to bring it up just yet. When she calms down enough, you kiss her head and speak softly to her.

"How about after you feel a little better you try eating something? I can get you some yogurt and granola, maybe some fruit. One step at a time, okay?"
Taylor nods, she doesn't feel like eating but she's willing to try for you.

You keep holding her in your arms as she drifts to sleep, you will be patient with Taylor. You know how sensitive she is at the moment, and you are going to do everything you can to make her feel better again.

"I love you, Tay. You're more than enough for me."

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