All the rumors are true ❤️

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You are about 4 months pregnant with you and Taylor's first, and most likely only child, doing your best not to burst out laughing and disturb a peacefully sleeping Taylor next to you.

The other night you and Taylor went out for dinner, and though you are hardly showing, one thing the paps do best is notice any change in someone's body. So it was no surprise that by the next morning, every article and tweet was the same.

"Taylor and Y/N Swift are having a baby!"

"Is Taylor Swift's wife pregnant?"

"Are we going to be getting baby Swift?!"

You can't help it and chuckle, but you stop yourself when you remember Taylor is finally getting some well-deserved rest. She's been working so hard on planning the next year's worth of shows, and you really don't want to wake her.

Usually, these types of rumors would make you feel terrible about yourself. It would make you question things about your body, and make you question if Taylor really does think you're beautiful. But, since you actually are pregnant, it just seems funny to you that the world is freaking out over the little one inside of you.

You stifle your laughter, but it's getting harder as you read more fans commenting about how much they would love seeing, 'Baby Swift' as they are calling your little one. Though there are a handful of negative comments about 'nontraditional' families, you have learned not to focus on them and simply roll your eyes.

At some point, your choked laughter wakes Taylor and she opens her eyes groggily. She lifts her head and looks over at you, seeing you sitting up, with your phone, practically dying of laughter. She grumbles sleepily and rests her head on your thigh, closing her eyes again.

"What's so funny? It's late."
Her voice is filled with tiredness, she can honestly already fall back to sleep, but she's too curious to know what you're laughing about. You chuckle again, starting to play with her pretty blonde hair and show her your phone.

"Look at this. I've spent the last hour dying over it."
Taylor opens her eyes again and takes your phone, she looks at the article you're currently scrolling through. She cracks a smile, looking at the picture that everyone is freaking out over.

It's of you and her, smiles on both of your faces as she guides you through the hoard of paparazzi with her hand on the small of your back. Your baby bump was extremely visible in the pretty black dress you were wearing at the time.

"Man, they are really going crazy, aren't they?"
Taylor asks rhetorically, her smile growing even more as you chuckle adorably again.

She gives you back your phone and lifts your shirt, well her shirt, over your baby bump. She kisses your belly delicately, her hand tracing soft shapes on it.

You sigh and lean your head back, absorbing the love Taylor is giving you and your baby right now. You run your fingers through her hair as she leaves little kisses on your belly. She smiles, feeling the soft skin of your stomach against her lips and nose, taking in the overwhelming yet comforting scent of your freshly cleaned pajamas.

"I can't wait to tell the world about you, my little angel."
Taylor's voice is a loving whisper, making your heart pound. You can feel a small wiggle from your baby in return. You know Taylor can't feel it yet, but it makes your heart feel full knowing your baby already recognizes their Mama's voice.

Taylor rests her head gently on your belly, still dragging her finger across your warm skin. She continues whispering, telling the baby about how excited she is to meet them, about how she's going to write so many songs about them, that she's going to protect them and love them no matter what.

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since the rumors first started, and they're still going strong. Especially since neither you nor Taylor have denied them.
You and Taylor are both so excited for tonight's show because tonight is the night that Taylor is going to officially announce your pregnancy.

You, her, and Tree have been talking about this and the three of you decided that it is the perfect timing.
With Taylor's birthday coming up, the rumors at an all-time high, it is the last show of the year, and everyone expecting the Reputation Taylor's Version announcement, it's just perfect.

Taylor has been practicing how she's going to reveal it, in her head, in the shower, and even as she's falling asleep at night. You both plan to make Instagram posts about it too, and you both already have it prepared. Now all Taylor needs to do is get to the end of the concert and announce the best thing that's ever happened to her.

The show goes amazing, as always. She sings and dances her heart out, her smile even bigger tonight than ever. You cheer her on, just like always. You and Taylor's eyes keep meeting throughout the night, her happiness somehow growing every time.

Her glow is definitely noticed but her fans, and it's obvious they think she's going to finally announce Reputation's rerecording, but how wrong they are. But they for sure won't be disappointed when she shares the real news, at least that's what you and her both hope.

As she hits the final note of the last song and the noise dies down a bit, she steps towards the microphone again. She gives you one last reassuring smile and mouths,'I love you', which makes her fans burst into cheers again. They absolutely adore you two together.

"So, we had a great night tonight, right guys?"
She says into the mic, the cheers grow louder, and she laughs. She puts her hands on the mic and brings it closer to her, she sighs deeply as if she's about to share something deep with her fans.

"Well, in all seriousness, there is something I need to share with you all. It's something that's been a long time in the making and that means the world to me."
She smiles cheekily, knowing that her fans are expecting another rerecord, which is exactly what she's planning to get them to think.

"As you all know, there's been some... rumors going around about me. Actually about my wife, Y/n."
The crowd quiets down, and from where you're standing, you can just feel the confusion and even see it in some. A group of older women even turn to look at you, realization on their faces.

She waits a moment, trying to give her fans time to realize what she's about to say. It seems to be working a little bit, but as a massive smile overtakes her face and the happy tears fill her eyes, they start to erupt into cheers. Your heart races as she moves closer to the mic again.

"And I guess all the rumors are true."
She says simply, the fans go crazy. Some screams, awwws, and congratulations come from the stands. Loud enough to probably be heard from a mile away. Your eyes fill with tears as you watch Taylor announce it to the world, plus the smile on Taylor's face right now doesn't help you feel any less emotional.

Later on, as Taylor comes backstage, you rush forward and almost tackle her down with a big hug. She smiles wider and hugs you back, kissing your head. You don't care how sweaty she is right now, you're just so happy. The fans can still be heard going insane, and you can only imagine how many posts are already on Twitter and TikTok.

Some of the crew members congratulate the two of you as they walk past, Taylor chuckles and pulls away from your hug. Looking into your eyes, more happy than she'd ever been before.

"I love you, so much."

"I love you more, Tay."

"Not possible. I love you most."

Even in another universe us swifties continue to clown. 

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