"Why are you sorry? I know you're a bit shy. And that's okay! Like I said, I'm just glad to hear your voice. I hope we can talk again soon."

"I-I'd l-like that."

"Yeah? Well, great! I'll see you around, okay?"


Another celebration. He hadn't stuttered that time.

Mckinlie gave him one last bright smile before walking away and joining her friends at their typical lunch table. He was so enthralled by the events of the past few minutes that he never even noticed that, as he watched her sit down, Junho was glaring at him.


It became a routine after that. Mckinlie talked to Yoongi more often, and Yoongi replied. They were nothing more than niceties, but it meant the world to Yoongi anyway. He wondered if he hadn't taken so long to verbally reply, Mckinlie would have started talking to him more often before now. And he wondered if he should...

"H-Hi, Mckinlie."

Mckinlie looked up, surprised. She stared at Yoongi for a few moments before a grin spread across her face. "Hi, Yoongi! How are you?!"

"I'm okay," he replied. "H-How are you?"

"I'm great now! Are you headed to class?"

"Yeah, I've got Professor Park's class next."

"Aw, I've got Professor Cho next," Mckinlie replied. "I would've asked if you wanted to walk together, but they're in opposite directions."

Yoongi nodded. "That's okay. Well, I-I'll be going then."

"Okay!" Mckinlie said. They then parted ways, but just before they were out of each other's earshot, Mckinlie turned.

"Hey, Yoongi!"

Yoongi turned as well. "Yeah?"

"Feel free to say hi anytime!"

Yoongi blushed before he nodded shyly and hurried away.


"I did it!" Yoongi had finally made it back to his dorm after a long day of classes. He'd rushed back, hurried into his dorm, slammed the door behind him and leaned his back against it.

"I did it," he said again quietly.

His heart was racing. It had been all day since he'd talked to Mckinlie, and he was waiting for this moment to be able to relish in the fact that he'd managed to be the one to initiate the conversation. He was proud of himself, and so very excited because she'd seemed so pleased about it, too.

Yoongi threw himself onto his bed and stared at the ceiling, a huge smile on his face. He began daydreaming about what might happen if he ever got up the nerve to ask her out. He quickly pushed those thoughts away. There was no way he could ever do that, let alone believe she'd actually ever say yes.

Yoongi then decided to work on the project Professor Kang had assigned them that day. It was a huge undertaking, but everyone knew it would be coming sooner or later. They were finally going to be composing and producing their first song of the year. Yoongi was excited about it. He felt like he hadn't had a chance to actually do anything truly musical since they'd started the year and just been doing book work. He understood the importance of musical theory and such, but he was ready to get back to making music.

The only problem? Yoongi couldn't think of anything to write.

The song didn't have to include lyrics, and Yoongi wasn't sure he wanted to write any this time. But either way, it didn't matter because the problem was that he couldn't think of anything to write music-wise.

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