Chapter 7 Humdigners assembly

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For the next few weeks, the railway was not acting like a normal railway. Since Mayor Humdigner took over. The evil mayor scolds engines for no reason, causes a lot of trouble, like derails, and the engines are tired of him, they all wished Sir Toppahn hatt returned. It has been a month since Mayor Humdigner, took over, he was about to make an Assembly for his one month celebration.

at the China Clayplats, the engines were questioning about the crazy controller. 

This controller has gone way too far. Said Timothty.

Yes, and why is he called the Mayor, we already have a Mayor on this island, why did he want to come here? Besides, he's not acting like a mayor. He is acting like a military school Leader. Said Bill

Maybe he came here because the place where he was Mayor, did not treat him well, so he decided to resign, and move here. and it's been over a month. said  Marion

I heard he's going to make an Assembly at knapford, he has something new about the railway. Said Ben

well, I hope it's good. Said Bill.

30 minutes later, Mayor Humdigner is ready for his Assembly at Knapford.Hmm, I wonder what it was, says Thomas. Hmm me either, is it a new engine?, A new station, a new steamroller. said James. no, I don't think so. Said Edward. quiet all of you. It's about to start. Said Thomas.

Mayor humdinger walked out of his office, and face towards the engines. Good afternoon to all of you engine on Sodor. Welcome to my one month assembly as controller of the railway . so as you all know all of you engines I have seen that your behavior is outrageous and I have the right to punish you all. said humdinger

The engines were scared to see about this

"But then again," He continued, "I have something to show you, something that I think you're all going to like! For all of your hard work, you're going to help me celebrate becoming your new controller!"

The engines groaned and rolled their eyes in exasperation. As the mayor got down from his crate stool and pulled out something behind him that was covered in a red blanket.

Behold, something that will leave you speechless, A new purple throne for me! Me! Me!" He said as he quickly pulled off the red blanket, revealing a big purple throne that had big balloons of Humdinger's head on each of its sides.

The engines were surprised to see this, including Thomas.

Well, isn't it marvelous? It's got to be the most spectacular thing you've seen on Sodor!" He said proudly as he took a seat on the throne.

The engines didn't know what to say. They were expecting something big and eye-catching. Not something that belonged in a castle or building. One engine dared to speak up.

I beg your parton sir, but whats the big celabration thant you brought us here for. Said the blue tank engine

"Tch, this is the celebration, you ungrateful engine! What else could you ask for?" He scoffed.

Well, we were looking for something a, new engine, or something more exsiting,not just some random object that belongs in a castle. explained Thomas.

This made Humdinger so cross,Listen here, Thomas, you better like this or else I'm gonna have to punish you in a way you're not going to enjoy." He said, jumping off his throne and walking towards the blue tank engine.

Well, that surely could've been better." A red engine with a number five on his tender tooted before departing out of the yards and steamed away to his next job.

"He took his time making his speech and showing us his new throne." One of the two saddle tank engine twins remarked.

Great, now I'm wasting my time watching someone show me his new throne when I should be  in Vicarstown sorting out cars!" A small red tank engine with the number thirty-seven on her side said before whistling to notify the yard manager that she's leaving the yard.

"Hmph!" Thomas grumbled. "Telling me that I'm an embarrassment to the railway. I'm the number one engine. I'm never an embarrassment to Sir Topham Hatt's railway." He said before leaving the yard.

Apparently, Sir Mayor Humdinger, has himself a new throne." Henry said

Does he really think that a throne is what this railway needs?" Gordon asked.

No, he just think that this railway, is his kingdom and he is thinking, that we should follow his orders and worship him, said Edward.Man, this controller should go to a mental hospitial, whisperd Percy.

A Few Miniuts later

Duck was pulling a train on his branch line, he was still worried about the new controller. He was pulling a goods train, duck noticed that the signal is red, so he stopped, a few minutes later, another engine came to the signal, it was ducks best friend. Oliver. Hello oliver, said duck. Hello Duck, said Oliver, how's it going?

oh, nothing much , I'm just trying to do my job, without getting yelled at by that crazy controller. said Duck. 

Oliver said, Oh really, wow, that controller sounds a bit harsh, can't you see he did things in the past, and even at the assembly.  

yes, and it's been over a month,  I think it's time to put the controller out of office, and bring topphan back. Said Duck.

Anyways, I have to go do my job so goodbye, said Oliver.

Alright, goodbye, said Duck.

Oliver left, and the signal was green.

Little they know, that they know need help.

Mayor Humdiger goes to sodorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora