Chapter 2, trouble is coming

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It was a beautiful day on the island of Sodor. The engines on the North Western Railway were rushing to and fro with goods trains and passenger trains. The engines enjoy doing their work. It was something they were built to do. And the one who gives out their work is Sir Topham Hatt, the controller of the railway. He likes it when his engines do their work on time. He also likes when his engines prove their hardest when faced with a difficult task. But nothing puts a smile on his face more than an engine who is willing to help another engine. Sir Topham Hatt was sitting in his office going over his plans for the day.

Hm, Let's see, James is taking a goods train to Vicarstown, Emily is pulling her passenger train, and Thomas is picking up some shipment from the docks." He said to himself as he went over his drawing board on his table carefully, pushing his miniature toy engines with his stick.

Sir Topham Hatt loved his job, being the controller of the railway. He loved his engines dearly as if they were his children. He couldn't lose something so important. He even said himself that steam engines were the best inventions of all time. He loved all of his engines so much, that he didn't have a favorite. He wouldn't dare pick another job over the one he's got now, but little did he know that today would be the last day he would be in his office.

At the docks, Porter and Salty were busy shunting cars that were ready to be taken to their destinations. Thomas had pulled into the docks and whistled to notify the workmen that he was there. Thomas had come to a stop and greeted everyone at the docks while his cars were being loaded. Mayor Humdinger and his kittens, who were on the ship, snuck out, and the mayor disguised as a railway inspector, so as to not get caught sneaking around.  He looked around the port, to see if he could get a ride to Sir Topham Hatt's office.  But there was one problem. He didn't know where the controller's office was. He glanced around the port to see if anyone knew anything about where his office was.

As he was looking. He saw what was the most disturbing thing yet; many engines had faces and could talk on their own. He said. What the Heck, trains that have faces that talk on their own, what kind of a railway is this? He also saw that as a chance to order some of the engines around, and went to the nearest engine, it was a blue tank engine with a number 1, his name was Thomas.

Hello there, fellow engine," He greeted kindly. "Do you know where the railway controller's office is?"

Thomas said, um, why do you ask, I have never seen you before, or heard you before, are you new here? Humdinger made a lie, and he said, Um, yes, I am new here, 1st day on the job, and the reason why I am asking you is because is, it's because I need to tell him that I've concluded what rating I'm going to give this railway." He lied, hoping the blue tank engine would buy it.

Thomas fell for the lie, and smiled. "Well...okay. Hop in my cab so I can take you there. Might be a while so you'll have to wait after my cars are done being loaded."

Perfect!" He said before jumping into Thomas' cab, following with his kittens.

The mayor smirked victoriously. "Now, all I gotta do is kick that man out of office tonight, and I'll be the new controller!" He laughed maniacally. He stopped laughing as the driver and fireman looked at him suspiciously.

Oh, I didn't know that you have 6 kitties, said Thomas. Oh, yes, I feel like 6 kitties would be right for me so that's why I have them, Said, Humdinger. After Thomas' cars were done being loaded, Thomas took the well-disguised mayor to Knapford Station and arrived on platform 1 before setting off again with his delivery. Humdinger glanced around the other platforms to see if anyone was looking. Thankfully, no one wasn't, and looked towards what Knapford Station had to offer. He saw ticket machines, for tickets on the train. He also saw a locker room for the engine drivers, a refreshment stand that served hot food called MC BUNN, a bookstall, and an office for the railway controller. He twirled his mustache deviously as he glanced at the railway controller's office and took a peek inside. He saw the same man that he saw in the newspaper, while he was in prison. He was on the phone with someone. Probably someone who was in trouble. Before he could do anything else, the mayor heard someone coming down the line and quickly got faced backward and stood still as a green pannier tank engine with the letters "GWR" and a number 8 on his side went by pulling a goods train. The engine didn't see the mayor, however, and kept going. The mayor let out a relieved sigh and turned around to knock on the railway controller's door.

After a few seconds of waiting, the door finally opened, and there was the man himself Sir Topphan Hatt.

Hello there, can I help you?" He greeted kindly. The mayor wanted to laugh, but held it in.

"I'm the inspector of railways. I'd like to have a word with you." The mayor replied sternly.

Sir Tophhan Hatt was surprised to see an inspector in his office, he didn't get a phone call about any inspector coming. Erm, well," He stuttered. "You see, inspector, I've never scheduled for you to arrive. I just had this railway inspected a week ago."

Mayor Humdinger thought of something real quick.  "Well, I've made some changes here and there, and I've come to realize that I might have made a mistake."

Mistake, what a mistake. Everything is fine, said Sir Topphan Hatt. It seems from my perspective, your engines were not thinking of the passengers said, Humdinger. The Kitties watch the scene outside of the office, not to be seen.

What? That can't be true! I've heard that the passengers say that the engines on this railway are careful with passengers! Said Topphan.

Well, that not I have heard, said Humdinger.

Sir Topphan Hatt was cross with the man, Who are you, I have never seen you in my life.

"From what I see, sir, the answer would be 'yes'." The mayor said, keeping his emotions at bay.

Says the man who came without telling me that he was coming." The controller argued, crossing his arms while rolling his eyes.

Mayor Humdinger saw that he was not happy with him and was satisfied.

Okay, sir, that's all the information I needed." He said before walking away.

Sir Topphan Hatt glanced at the mayor, he said, If you give this railway a bad reputation, then I'll have a word with your manager!" He said before closing the door. Mayor Humdinger smirked triumphantly as he planned for his next step. His kittens caught up to him.

Great job for not drawing attention. I thought I was going to laugh my lungs out by just seeing him in person. Like, he's just a clone of me but he doesn't have a mustache!" He laughed as he went down the line, waited for dark, and planned for their next step. The Kttinens meowed, and they said, how are you gonna kick him out? , Humdinger responds, oh, I know, I am going to make a fake Document, that Sir Topphan Hatt, is kicked out, for trainnapping, as he laughs smirkingly.

But one thing's for sure, I didn't have to speak to him with this disguise on. It really doesn't suit my style." He said to his kittens as they walked down the line, trying not to be seen by any engines.

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