Part 1

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One evening at home, Gus is about to take the garbage out to the chute, exiting his apartment he notices his first and favorite cousin Webster getting off the elevator approaching his apartment and Gus gleefully greets his cousin, "WEBSTER" and Webster smiling "GUS, longtime cuz". They hug and Gus tells him, "I see you finally found the time to visit me." Webster replies, "Sorry about that cuz, you know how it is, you're out after being in prison for a long time and you want to enjoy that taste of freedom and everything that comes along with it, like spending time with this old lady friend of mine who recently became a widow, she was lonely and two lonely people ought to spend time alone together, if you know what I mean (raising his eyebrow) getting busy stroking my brother." Gus says, "Good for you, I'm happy for you. Really, I am (throwing his bag of garbage in the trash chute)."

Inside Gus apartment, Webster is telling Gus, "Things sure has changed around this old neighborhood, I remember a time I couldn't walk down a street around here without some crackhead getting money from me and the female crackheads. Man, I was randomly getting my cock suck and I'm surprise my dick didn't fell off. I tell you one thing, when I first return back to the old neighborhood, I searched high and low to find me a bar, I was desperate for some scotch or whiskey, along with some female companionship. If you know what I mean since Gail and I seem to stop seeing one another, I don't know what happened, oh well. I went into this place that I mistake for a bar call Starbucks, (Gus is cracking up laughing) yea cuz I went inside and order me a glass of scotch on the rocks and a Heineken, the way I said it, the other patrons there thought I was a comedian joking and the worker tells me, 'Sorry sir, we don't serve beer and liquor here at this Starbucks'. Man did I felt like an asshole, only to find out Starbucks is a coffee shop, where you got all these people lounging around on their computers and phones sipping coffee. So, I figure, I order me a cup of coffee, three bucks for a cup of coffee shit, got-damn! Times sure has changed, the place looks comfy especially the bathroom which I used after this homely ass white woman exited, she must had taken one hell of a shit in that bathroom, had left the bathroom kicking up a storm. I mention the aroma she left behind, she tells me, (imitating the woman's tone) what did you expect, it's a public toilet okay, deal with it. I went into the bathroom to take me a whiz, I tell you one thing the bathroom looks clean, comfy and decent with plenty of T.P., plus the aroma that bitch left behind died down a little. After I finished using the bathroom, some woman I guess somewhere from the West Indies, probably Jamaican enters the bathroom, she took a whiff and made an ugly facial comment toward me thinking I was the one while she went into the bathroom." Gus burst out laughing as Webster tells him, "Another thing I seen to also notice is a lot of these young brothers acting and dressing like sisters." Gus says "You got that right, cuz." Webster tells him, "Some of them are walking around with they're pants hanging down off their ass, showing off their draws, I don't want to see that mess, I left shit like that in the joint, I guess wherever you go, you can't escape that nonsense!" Gus replies, "You got that right." Webster says, "Yep, what you hiding Gus, you know I'm going to bother you for a drink and don't tell me you're on that A-A, clean and sober crap, I know you cuz." Laughing, Gus tells him, "I have Jack Daniels." Webster tells him, "Old Jack, old number 7, (eyes lit up, gleaming) bring it Cuz, I sure could use that thirst quencher!" Gus says, "I will, I will!" As Webster and Gus talk some more.

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