Chapter 17: Blake and David: Date 2 ;)

Start from the beginning

"Blake hon, come on down stairs!" Heather called up from the bottom of the stairs, clearly able to see the girl doing one last in the mirror to primp one last time.

First David saw a tall heeled shoe and a white ankle on the stairs from his spot in the living room. Then he could see her white pantyhose covered legs, each step down the smile on his face a few degrees larger. By the time she got to the bottom the teen found himself wanting to rush over to his gorgeous date and take her into his arms. Restraining himself he walked up to her slowly, the large grin on his face not fading in the slightest. He could hear his heart beating in his ears, he was so nervous, but he hoped it didn't show. 'Be confident, girls like confident guys. Just follow Dad's advice from when I texted him a picture of Blake and how we were going on our second date. If I'm not confident, pretend I am, fake it till I make it.'
"Blake you are beautiful, I'm the luckiest guy to just see your smile, let alone get to take you on a date."

Opening his mouth Blake about to tell him thank you, so they could move on, but he found himself speechless at the smoothness of the line. It was better than anything he had said to Liz and it made him believe this kid would be dangerous when he got older, that and it made a large blush come to his cheeks at the pure earnestness, David didn't just say he was beautiful, he believed it. With the blush bright red on his cheeks Blake found himself looking away, unable to meet David's eyes even though in his current footwear the boy was only an inch taller. 'Six inch heels and I can be taller.' He didn't like that errant thought, heels like that he didn't really think were for walking and he did not want to go down the mental rabbit hole of himself wearing such a pair of heels or why. "Thanks, you... you look nice too."

Tugging on his red checkered button down shirt that he had the sleeves partially rolled up and the entire thing tucked into his best jeans, David didn't think he could compare to his date. Heck he was wearing sneakers, they were his best pair, him spending time to clean them, but he was just some guy next to a girl that was so pretty she had to be constantly turning guys away. 'Lord thank you!' The teen said a quick prayer of thanks for his good fortune, no thought spared for the fact another girl had caused him to be in town to begin with. The sting of her breaking up with him had been washed away by thoughts of Blake's pretty eyes. Her soft doe eyes mostly down, looking up to him ever so slightly and a small smile on her coy lips fill him with so much joy. "I don't deserve that, but I'm happy you think so. Honestly, the only thing I think I have that compares to you is the joy I feel right now." David said, reaching out to take her hand, his fingers between her own.

Silent or the most should could be when taking photos with her phone, Heather touched her palm to her mouth, very much wishing he had been recording, not snapping photos. 'Where did this confident young man come from? And what did he do with my little boy?'

Everything David had deflated when he realized his mother was taking photos. "Moooom!" Turning to look at Blake some of his smile had deflated. "I'm sorry about her. Let's get going."

Pulling her phone away from her face Heather grabbed a set of keys from the key rack near the door and handed them over to her son. "What are the rules when you are borrowing your fathers car?"

"No speeding, drive carefully, wear our seatbelts, know where the registration and insurance is in case we are pulled over." David said, his eyes looking up and to the side as he recited the list from memory.

"And?" Heather asked, putting her hand on her hip and raising an eyebrow to her son like he had missed something.

Repeating it over in his head David gave his mother a questioning look.

"The two you missed were, be safe and have fun. Now the two of you shoo, I want the house to myself for a while instead of noisy teens being about. Heather waved her hand in a shooing motion, wishing she could go along.

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