Chapter 10: Little King (Princess) gets 'her' reward

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Getting out of the van Blake couldn't have been more happy to get out of the enclosed space with David. He wanted to bring his girlfriend up to the guest room where they were sleeping and tell her in no uncertain terms that this was over and that she needed to get him a hotel to stay at. 'I'm not a girl! I'm not sixteen! And I do not enjoy making out with an eighteen year old boy!' He thought, trying to mentally distance himself from the knowledge that he had started to kiss back and that it had felt good. He was more than ready to head inside and up the stairs when he saw just how much shopping had actually happened while he was in the movie theater, the back of the van was nearly full of various bags. "That is a lot," he found himself commenting. He knew Lizbeth wasn't a shopaholic, tending to get only two things at most when going to the mall. Going to the second hand store that was cheap and only accepted cash was a bit of a different story, so he figured most of it belonged to David's mother.

Picking up one of the bags, the one that had assorted panties in it, Heather took a step over to Blake and put it in the girl's hand. "After hearing that you had nothing to wear I just had to get you a few things. I hope you don't mind, Liz and I did our best to only get you things that you will look cute in."

Looked at the bag in his hand, and then to the rest Blake felt gobsmacked. The story about him locking his suitcase inside the locked house made him sound like the biggest airhead, but he didn't care that much, but now what he was seeing felt overwhelming. "A few things?" Blake echoed something the older woman said as a question as he opened the bag he was holding. Reaching inside he pulled out a piece of soft yellow fabric. As he held it up it uncoiled in slow motion, or so Blake's mind told him as he found himself holding a pair of yellow cheekie panties with a line of black lace at the waist band. Holding them up in his hand he was momentarily stunned, he was holding a pair of panties that were his, they had been bought for him and it was one of many in the bag in his other hand. All thought instantly left him as he shoved it back into the bag when he noticed David looking at him and his new panties.

"We did get a little carried away, but I couldn't imagine being in your shoes, stuck at a house that isn't your own and nothing to change into."

"I... I need to go inside," Blake said feeling his body tremble and quickly made his way to the front door, happy for once that David was around when he unlocked and opened the door for him. Rushing up the stairs and into the hallway bathroom he sat down on the toilet seat. Taking deep breaths he tried to calm himself down, realizing now that he didn't know what he was talking about, or thinking about when he thought he had been overwhelmed before. Hearing the crinkle of the bag in his hand he dropped it to the bathroom floor, a few of the pairs of panties spilling out. He didn't even remember it being in his hand till now, there were just so many panties. Most of them sexy to his male mind, things he would love to see Liz wearing. "I'm not wearing these... they can't be mine. I can't own panties..."

Outside Heather looked towards her house with a worried expression. "Did I say something or..." She chewed on her bottom lip. "I hope she didn't hate what we got her."

"No, I think Blake just might feel overwhelmed, just put yourself in her shoes. Parents went on vacation without her, making a mistake that made her lose access to her clothes, sixteen and stuck with a babysitter, meeting a cute boy," Lizbeth gave a wink to David, who was helping them gather up the bags. "Seeing a movie she hadn't been able to afford to see and now finding out someone she just met bought her a new wardrobe."

Chewing on her lip for a few heartbeats Heather nodded, before running her hand through her son's hair to ruffle it. "I hope you are right, but this is hardly a new wardrobe. A quarter a wardrobe at best."

Taking a few more bags Lizbeth put them in the teen boy's arms. "You take these up to the guest room, I'm going to go talk with Blake."

Getting upstairs and seeing the light on under the bathroom door Lizbeth knocked twice before checking the handle and finding it unlocked.

House Sitter- Boyfriend feminised by girlfriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin