chapter 3 Riddle

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I got up and went outside and ran off to rob a bank. Once I got there I walked in and robbed the bank and left out the back door. I was about to climb up a ladder. When I heard Batman say my name. I started to blush for some weird reason. Batman grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the wall. He had a tight grip on my shirt with both of his hands. I dropped the bag of money. I was staring Batman in the eyes and started to blush. I looked down at his lips and said let me go. Batman said no.

I grabbed him and switched places and pushed him against the wall and kissed him on the lips multiple times and grabbed the money and left. Batman ran after me and stopped me and pushed me into the alleyway against the wall and said you're my dorm mate. I said so I know. Batman kissed me and said you're going with me. I said where?

Batman and I went back to campus. I went to my dorm room and sat on the couch. Bruce Wayne walked out of his room and saw grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. He pushed me against the wall and said for some weird reason I can't stop thinking about you. I said yeah me too. He kissed me and I kissed him back and said I love you. I push him onto the floor. I laid him on his back and kissed him with pressure. He moaned and took my shift off and I said but I'm a villain? He said I don't care.

The next day I woke up on the floor and saw Bruce there naked. My eyes widened and realized I was in his room. I grabbed his hand and said I love you. I got dressed and went to my room and slept in for a few hours cause it was 6:00 am. I woke up and saw it was 9:30 am. I got dressed and went to class. I ignored Bruce all day.

At the end of the day in the dorm I went to the couch and sat down. Bruce came in and yelled what Is wrong with you!! I yelled back what!! Bruce yelled why are you ignoring me!! I yelled I'm not ready!! Bruce sat down next to me and said what? I said you're with Cilena. You probably don't even like men. Bruce said I don't know but I know I love you. He kissed me, lyed me on my back and I said I love you. I took his shirt off and he took mine off. He picked me up and took me into his room and laid me on his bed. He kissed me and put pressure on my stomach and I said stop. He said am I hurting you? I said I'm in love with you. He kissed me and said I know Cilena is too. I said stop hurting me. He stopped and said what is it? I said I don't think I feel normal.

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