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Hitomi spoke the name of her daughter with a gentle voice while her round lilac eyes glazed over the young petite girl. She looked like a miniature version of herself, from the raven colour of her short hair to the round shape of her own lilac eyes. She was definitely going to be a very beautiful woman, then again no one born from the Hyūga clan was ever unsightly.

The matriarch of the Hyūga clan looked at Hinata who stayed unresponsive from her call, making Hitomi frown. She called Hinata again but the young heiress didn't even stir and that made the frown on Hitomi's delicate face to be more profound. This had been happening too much this past few weeks.

Hinata had been sleeping a bit too much.

It wasn't anything strange for children at her age, but for Hinata who usually slept less than 7 hours, it was quite odd. What was worse was the fact that Hinata didn't respond to her calls, her daughter was a very light sleep, she could even hear someone enter her room, if anything she could feel the presence of anyone else. Her daughter was an alert child, so this new behavior was quite worrisome for Hitomi.

She didn't know why her daughter's sleeping habits had changed, but she knew that Hinata knew why.

Unfortunately, her daughter had not told her anything and Hitomi knew she would most likely keep it hidden from her, which brought another frown to her face. Her daughter had this tendency of keeping things hidden when she was faced with a problem. She would rather keep it to herself than speak it out loud as to not worry anyone, even though, that didn't make it any better.

Hitomi's thoughts were disrupted as she heard Hinata take a sharp intake of breath. She looked at her daughter who's eyelids were shaking, while her eyebrows were furrowed in what seemed to be pain, her lips were pressed in a thin line and her entire body was trembling. She looked like she was having a nightmare.

But clearly it wasn't just an ordinary nightmare. No, it seemed to be worse. Hinata whimpered in pain as Hitomi's calm demeanour changed to a nervous one. She grabbed her daughter and shook her violently.

Hinata still wouldn't wake up.

The matriarch grabbed her daughter and started running to the compound with a panicked expression on her face. She ignored the pain still aching from childbirth and ran in her compound like she had lost all senses.

Hinata's whimpering turned into soft sobs, almost as if afraid to be heard by the world.

The four year old sobbed as Hitomi ignored etiquette leaving the other clan members bowing to her. She finally came to a halt when she met Hiashi. He came to her side and held her by the waist, while her breath shortened as her stomach aches got the better of her. She almost wobbled to the ground if not for Hiashi's firm hands holding her in place.

"Why are you running?"

Hiashi asked her as he held Hinata with his left hand and held Hitomi's waist with the other. Hitomi didn't say anything, but rather tried to regain her breathing as her back became more painful than ever. It had only been a month since she gave birth to little Hanabi so the pain was still fresh.

Hiashi gave an irritated sigh though he was extremely worried about his wife. He looked at Hinata who was most likely the source of Hitomi erratic behaviour.

He observed Hinata's tremors and he frowned even more. She seemed to be struggling.


He commanded as the young girl continued to sweat furiously unable to hear anything that her father said. She was too occupied with the terror she was seeing. "Hinata!" Hiashi demanded, but the young child continued to hiss in pain as if she couldn't hear nor see anything, other than the terror right infront of her.

Hiashi looked at Hinata and his heart sunk, what was going on here? He looked at his surroundings to see some of the members still bowing. Though he could tell they were still looking, his eyes narrowed for a moment and he issued a command.

"Take Hinata to to her room" he ordered and looked at his wife who was almost close to fainting. He held her and accompanied her to her room with a calm look on his face, as if everything that had happened did not bother him. Hitomi on the other hand was too tired to admonish him and watched him leave her room.

Hiashi strut like a soldier ready for battle to Hinata's room. He found the young girl in a midst of grasping the covers whilst inching away from the servants. "Leave us" Hiashi commanded as the servants bowed and left while Hinata intook a large amount of breath.

Hiashi walked closer, the young heiress shot up and moved her head robotically to face the patriarch of the Hyūga clan. Hiashi watched her face as two bumps appeared above her eyebrows and his lips thinned. He saw a wrinkle form just at her forehead and removed her hair. His hand trembled and dropped from her forehead.

Hinata had a large third eye on her forehead.

His breath shortened whilst Hinata opened her eyes and fell in his arms. Tears fell from her lilac eyes as she grabbed onto her father's garment with eyes full of pain no child should ever have.

"T-tou-SAMA!" The usually soft spoken Hinata cried out as she grabbed onto him forgetting all manners. He held her tightly as she cried out her grievance to her father remembering everything that she had seen, everything she could never unsee.

There was a certain trace of desperation and pain in her cried, one that tore Hiashi's core about though the frown remained.

"I'm here"

He muttered as he pat her head watching the bumps fade away and her third eye disappear. Although he couldn't forget the round, green paternized, eye that slightly resembled the sharingan. With that thought in my mind, Hiashi felt cold..

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