Chapter 1

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Harry POV:

It was my birthday was trying to sleep in my cupboard when i suddenly heard an owl at the foot of the old torn mattress i was lying on

'Hedwig what's wrong?' i asked my snow white owl i got from Hagrid in first year. She hooted again and nipped at the cage door,

so I got out of my cupboard and let her out the backyard door thinking she just wanted to go out and hunt.

But half an hour later I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot up my spine and in my head, I tried my best not to scream so as to not get punished by uncle Vernon.

I had learned the hard way not to scream when in pain..

45 minutes later the pain subsided and i heard Hedwig come to my door and nip at it once she had flown back to the living room where i currently was waiting for her

She gave me a Gringotts letter? Wonder where that came from and why she got it, I opened the letter and read it, it stated:

Dear mister Potter

I noticed you got your Magical Creature Inheritance, please come to Gringotts Bank as soon as possible, this letter is a portkey. It can be activated by saying: 'Creature Inheritance'


Well, That's a surprise, guess i better get going to Gringotts then


At Gringotts

I walked through the doors to Grindelwald.

'I'm here about the letter' . I said to him 'Very well mister Potter, please follow me,' he responded. I followed him to a little office behind the desk I never noticed until now.

He sat down at the desk and asked me to sit in the chair in front of him 'Please put 7 droplets of blood on this parchment please.' he asked me and so i did

What I saw next was shocking

Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Magical Creature: Neko

Dominant or Submissive: Submissive

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Mate: ???? ?????? ??????

Mate Creature: Veela and Vampire mix

Mate age: 14

Mate gender: Male

Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

Mate Hogwarts House: Slytherin

'Woah,' i said after reading it 'Can i know who my mate is?' i asked Grindelwald curious to know who my mate is

'I sadly cannot say it, i will inform you that your friends Mister Weasley and Miss Granger have befriended him and have already found their mates which are your mate his friends'

'oh okay..' i said disappointed 'would you be able to call the weasleys to come pick me up? I really don't want to go back to the dursleys'

i asked Grindelwald, desperate to not return to those abusive monsters 'I'll send them a letter in the meantime you can wait over there' he said pointing to a corner with a sensory swing and some books

I gladly went over and took a book and began reading it in the sensory swing since those types of swings give me comfort and make me happy.

Thirty minutes later Ron and Hermione come in, Ron immediately spots me and runs over to me 'Hey Hazza, how you doing?' he asked me, excited to see me again 'I'm fine thanks wOn-WoN'

Hermione and i have been teasing him with that name ever since that Lavender girl kept on saying it 'Ughhhh come on stop calling me thaaaaat' Ron said annoyed i used that name 'Never!' i said,

Hermione was watching us from afar and decided to come over 'Hey Harry, are you coming?' she asked me 'Yeah just help me out of here im kinda stuck', Ron and Hermione helped me out of the swing and immediately apparated to the leaky cauldron.

'Jezus could you guys not do that?' o asked them annoyed as i was now dizzy and nauseous, being feelings i absolutely hate 'Sorry!' they both said at the same time, 'come lets go to our room!' Ron said

To be Continued...

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