Chapter 3: In a Hospital

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As dawn broke over Jerusalem, the city gradually stirred to life, its streets coming alive with the hum of activity. In a serene hospital room, Noa Feldman lay in her bed, her breathing now steady, but her thoughts clouded by fragments of the previous day's harrowing events. The soft beeping of monitors and the hushed exchanges between nurses provided a gentle backdrop.

By Noa's bedside, Tamar Cohen, her closest friend, sat with a furrowed brow, a palpable sense of concern etched across her face. She had hurried to the hospital as soon as she received news of the incident. Now, with Noa awake, Tamar braced herself to recount the unfolding of events at Café HaGefen.

"Noa, you had a severe asthma attack," Tamar began in a soothing tone, gently clasping Noa's hand in her own. "You were already unconscious when the ambulance arrived. But there's more to the story."

Tamar narrated how Yusuf had rushed to Noa's aid. She elaborated on his valiant efforts to assist Noa, how his actions had been misinterpreted by the café's patrons and the police, and the unfortunate outcome of his being taken into custody in handcuffs.

Noa listened intently, her expression a blend of bewilderment and distress. She could vaguely recollect Yusuf's face, his urgent attempts to aid her, but everything else seemed shrouded in a fog of uncertainty. "He was trying to help me?" she inquired, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, he was," Tamar affirmed with a nod. "But the people in the café, they believed... they believed he was harming you. The police didn't listen to him. He was arrested, Noa."

The revelation struck Noa with a surge of guilt and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. A stranger had courageously intervened to save her life and was now facing repercussions for his actions. She struggled to reconstruct her fragmented memories, Yusuf's face gradually becoming clearer in her mind.

"I remember feeling like I was fading away..." Noa asserted, determination shining in her eyes. "I need to help him, just as he helped me."

Tamar nodded in agreement, her resolve mirroring Noa's. "We'll find out, Noa. We'll make this right."

As the soft morning sunlight streamed through the hospital window, casting a gentle glow across the room, Noa's thoughts were consumed by Yusuf, the waiter from Café HaGefen. A young man who had acted selflessly, now ensnared in a web of misunderstanding.

In the quiet of the hospital room, the reality of the situation settled in. Noa realized that this was just the beginning of a journey, one that would lead her back to the café and into a quest for truth and justice.

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