Chapter 5 Information Required

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I started getting more curious about the demi-human and beastmen goddess who sounded like someone who loved magic, since that's what her blessings increased. I laid back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. A few months had finally passed, and I was getting into a slow routine for each day. Most days it included combat training, magic practice, making breakfast for myself and occasionally Lierin when she was home, reading stories from the library when I could go, or thinking about the goddess who first brought me here. "I wonder if there was a reason that I was picked." I said to myself as I stared at the ceiling. The silence of my home was getting to the point that I would do odd things while I was home alone. Lierin came home once to find me dancing while in a very short dress that she got for me when she was out one day. I felt embarrassed and couldn't face her when she saw me and I realized she had caught me while I was dancing.

"One of these days, I'll find something to do in this quiet house." I said to myself. I realized that I was talking to myself more and more before shaking my head. The more I thought about it the more I realized that being lonely was something I was getting used to, before thinking about it and realizing that it wasn't a good thing. "Guess I should go learn about the goddess who's been looking after me for so long now." I said, getting up from my bed and heading out of my house. I made my way over to the shrine I had visited before to learn about my blessings to see if they could tell me more about the goddess. When I arrived I found the shrine not quite open yet before seeing Nami walk past the gate. "Hey, Nami." I said, trying to get her attention. Nami turned and smiled at me. "Ah, it's lovely to see you again miss Jamie. Is there something that I can help you with?" Nami asked.

"Yes, there is. Although it looks like you're currently closed." I said. Nami just smiled before opening the gate for me. "Not at all we're happy to help someone who knows the queen." Nami said. I looked at her confused before she took my hand and led me inside. "We know the queen has visited with you before and probably loves to complain to you about work. You two seem to be quite good friends." Nami said. I smiled and nodded. "I've known her for quite some time and we've always gotten along, although I wish she would take her position seriously at some points." I complained. Nami giggled and nodded in agreement. "That's true. Although she's the perfect queen when it truly counts. So what would you like to speak about?" Nami said. She led me to a room in the shrine where we sat down. "I was hoping to learn about the goddess now." I said. Nami smiled and nodded. "I'd love to help you, but when it comes to learning about the goddess we know very little about her ourselves other than the fact that she watches over all beastmen and demi-humans with the same love and care as any parent would a child." Nami said. I sighed before thinking about an idea that I saw in animes in my old world. "Is there a place in this shrine that's sacred?" I asked.

"Of course, why do you ask?" Nami asked.

"May I be allowed to enter and pray there? Of course I understand that if that happens I might not be alone." I asked. Nami smiled and stood up before waving for me to follow her. I quickly stood up and followed behind her as she led me deeper into the shrine. We arrived at a point in the shrine which was an open space where there was nothing but nature. "This is our sacred spot. At least the spot at which we believe the goddess once touched with her own hands. If you wish to pray here please do so, I'll stay near the entrance and wait for you to return." Nami said.

"Thank you for this." I said. She nodded before stepping next to the door and shutting it. I stepped into the bit of nature and looked around for a spot for me to pray. Once I found a spot I knelt down and prayed wishing to know more about the goddess. As I prayed, I felt like nothing was happening before I heard a name in my head. "Amlena." A voice whispered in my head. I opened my eyes and realized I had just heard the name of the goddess. "I guess it's not much but it's something." I whispered. After a few more minutes of prayer the only other thing I heard in my mind was blessing. Eventually I returned to Nami and saw her waiting peacefully for me. "How was your prayer?" Nami asked.

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