Chapter 9 The Hero and the Maiden

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A week passed and Megan announced that there was a shrine maiden in the kingdom. She kept her promise and only announced that she had found the maiden and was working on getting protection for her before revealing my name to everyone. Remi came by a few days later with my new shrine maiden outfit she made. Remi had dark bags under her eyes and was clearly tired. "Are you okay, Remi?" I asked as she handed me the outfit.

"Of course I am. I've been working on this outfit since we met. It had to be perfect for you." Remi said, clearly exhausted but excited about the outfit she made for me. I just looked at her, a little stunned, seeing that she pushed herself so much just for the outfit for me. "I see. Thank you for working so hard on it." I said, taking the outfit from her. Remi just stood there, looking at me and down at the outfit in my hands. I sighed and headed upstairs, putting on the outfit for me. The top part, which reminded me of a kosode that covered my chest, was white with an amber floral pattern on it. I pulled my hair out of the back before crossing one part of the top in front of the other. I slipped on the navy blue pleated pants, which felt a little baggy on me, but they still fit me almost perfectly around the waist and hips. The fabric Remi used was lighter than I expected, since I figured they would make the outfit with thicker fabric. As I walked downstairs wearing the outfit, I heard a couple of people talking. Once I was at the bottom of the stairs, I saw Lierin and Remi talking. "Here you go." I said, looking at both of them.

They looked at me and smiled before Remi came over and started looking over the outfit, measuring some parts and checking other parts to make sure that it fit me. "You look amazing in it. Although it looks like a couple, things could be adjusted, so it fits you better." Remi said. Remi checked a few other things on my new outfit before writing some things down, before wanting me to take off the outfit so she could go adjust what she wrote on the paper she had. I walked back upstairs and took off the outfit before getting dressed, heading back downstairs and giving the new outfit of mine to Remi. She took the outfit and rushed out of the house, keeping the outfit hidden from most people. "Remi is really excited about getting that outfit perfect for you." Lierin said. I nodded, smiling as I shut the door after Remi rushed out. "It's still mind blowing that this is happening. I go from a normal person to a hero, to a false hero, to demon queen, and now to shrine maiden." I said, sitting down next to Lierin. She smiled and patted my head as I sat next to her. "So, what are you doing home so early?" I asked, leaning against her.

"Well, since I'm trying to be one of your guards, I figured I should be home a little more to protect you." Lierin said. I giggled and shook my head. "You're really pushing for this guard position." I joked, nuzzling my head against her shoulder.

"Of course I am. I want to make sure that, no matter what, I protect my precious queen from anyone or anything that might harm her." Lierin said. After that, we were silent for the next few hours, just enjoying each other's company before there was a knock on the front door. Lierin got up to answer it, which made me fall onto the couch since I didn't know she was planning to move from her spot. "It's finished!" Remi cheered. I sat up and looked at her as she rushed over to me, handing me the outfit for me to try on. She set the outfit in my open hands before looking at me eagerly, clearly wanting me to try it on again just to make sure that it was perfect. I headed upstairs and changed into once again before walking down the stairs showing her and Lierin the outfit. "It's perfect." Lierin said. Remi almost cheered before rushing over and hugging me. She apologized for the sudden hug, but I forgave her since I knew her excitement was overflowing from her. "Guess it's time to tell Megan that I'm ready to accept my new position as Shrine Maiden in the shrine here in the kingdom." I said, looking at Lierin. Lierin nodded before Remi and she left.

Once they left, I walked to the bedroom and looked at myself in the full-body mirror. The navy blue pleated pants ended perfectly at my ankles while the kosode covered my torso perfectly. I admired the floral pattern which reminded me of some flowers from my old world, which were nice to see. After I finished admiring the outfit that was made for me, I took it off and neatly folded it up and stored it away so that it wouldn't get ruined or touched by anyone else. Lierin came back a half hour later and found me sitting on the couch again, waiting for her. "So, Megan, let me know you should be ready tomorrow morning and get ready to head to the castle so that you can accept your new role of Shrine Maiden from her." Lierin explained.

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