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If I would tell you that Sky was originally called as Moon, what would you think? Or the fact that he had a twin, not identical but still had a twin brother. Their parents always told they are opposite of each other. His twin called Sun, because he was born 3pm when the sun was shining so bright. On the other hand Moon was born almost 12 hour later the other day around 3 am when the moon was still on the night sky. As a person Sun was cheerful and bright, woke up early every day. He was a very active kid who never sat on his ass more than 5 minutes. Moon was the exact opposite, awake at night reading mangas but woke up late every morning. Quiet but sassy and loved to sit in his room by himself. He was lucky to have a twin like Sun, because he never let him miss the fun part of life. They were so different but still they get on well and also they had the twin telepathy thing. The biggest difference was that Sun was a beta, since he spent so much time with his twin, he couldn't smell it, but wear the smell of his brother all the time. They wore each other's clothes that's way he was always mistaken to be an omega, since he smelled like one. Moon never wanted to be an omega. He would have been happy to be a beta like his twin but you have no choice.

They were inseparable so when Sun told their parents he wants to attend to high school in the capital it was a given that Moon was also coming with him. So they got a small flat near the school. Sun would be fine in the dorm, but Moon's first heat was just around the corner and they thought it would be safer to have their own place. And they were right. Since Sun was in and out of their flat carrying Moon's smell of heat all of the alphas around him was attached to Sun, but it was okay, Sun was taller and stronger than Moon so he could protect himself. Sun always treated Moon as a little kid. Not because he was born a day later so he was obviously the younger one, but because he, as most of the male omegas, was small and weak.

One day Sun came home and told Moon he met the love of his life. It was his first love and he was head over heels with that person. Moon never met him, but was glad his brother looked so happy. He never saw his brother this smiley and glad before. Moon also was sad because his brother started to drift away from him. It was just one or two times at first when he forget they have already planned something together and he never showed up. Said sorry on the phone but his boyfriend surprised him so he forget everything else. Soon it become weeks and weeks they never really spent time together, than he didn't even come home for days. Moon was never this alone in his life. He was so lonely but when Sun missed one of his heat although he promised to take care of him, bring food and didn't let anything happen to him during he is out of his mind, Moon's heart broke into pieces. He felt betrayed and left alone. That's when he also started to rebel. He was only 17, just experiencing life and he needed company. So he went to search for people to hang out. Maybe things would be better, if he just ask for Sun to stay by his side, but we never know what would happen if they behave another way. Because it was when things gone worse. Not even 4 months later Sun was already dead and Moon was broken beyond repair. He blamed himself for all of this.   

The only thing that left for him is the necklace they both got from their parents when they left for the capital. They got their own pendant but Sun thought it would be fun to wear each others, so at the end Moon got the Sun, Sun got the Moon pendant. He said this way they can carry the other with themself to everywhere. You can also clip together the two pendant and this way it looks like the Moon is hiding behind the Sun, peaking out behind his back. He never got the Moon one back. It was gone when Sun left him forever.

Sky, who choose this name after lost his other half and decided to become the Sky that is the home of both of the Sun and the Moon, is still wearing the Sun pendant and that's what he is holding on now while he is watching him. They stare at each other across the two end of the same crowd. Smell of sweat, gasoline, alpha and omega pheromones and the burned tires mixed in the air still they can smell of each other so clear like non of the others would exists. Sky knew this smell so well, his brother come home smell like this every day. He was the one Sky was searching for the last 2 years, the one who killed his brother. The only thing that keeps him alive is finding the one who killed his brother and send him after Sun. He will take revenge on him even if it costs his own life.

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