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The Red Keep, King's landing,

Rhaenyra's Pov

The corridors were made of red sandstone with inticrate carvings. Some depicted westerosi legends while some showers seahorses and dragons, the walls had large windows on top of which used to be glass paintings which once showed the stories of the conquest, but now had been replaced by seven pointed stars.

Between each two windows a tapestry draped the wall. On those some were men,on some were women, some had dragons and on others were men who were dragons and women who were dragons; but this was a thing of the past now each tapestry had either a seven pointed star or green dragons and white towers.

It was weird, really because she was never here before but she knows everything about this place and hates this place as if this place had done something to her.

As we went deeper into the corridor a large set of fancy doors were opened for us and we entered a gold ladden chamber, everywhere were dragons which were carved on the furniture and walls but instead of like the corridor leading to the kings chambers, they were made of gold and rubies ,

Dread washes all over my body as I enter the King's chambers, I have never been here before, I have never seen the king yet ,I feel like I might throw up any time.
A firm hand rested on my waist.
"walk, rhaenyra"
I turned suddenly towards daemon and realised that I had stopped walking and was staring at the doors of my father's bedchambers.
"Ah, I'm...yes"

There were books. Many of them. Old tomes stuffed in an inbuilt shelf on the left side of wall and there was a model of Valyria set in stone.
But a shrine was missing. A shrine dedicates to the 14 deities of old Valyria ,commissioned by the conqueror from the volentene nobles of old blood who still worshipped the 14 flames.

Of course the pious queen consort would try to rid the red keep of anything related to any other religion other than the seven.

As we go deeper into the chambers of the king we encounter a smaller set of doors as compared to the previous ones, they were if smaller, but still grand enough to be suited for the king.

These were the bedchamers of King Viserys Targaryen, The First Of His Name.

The guard opens the door and we walk inside.

The Stench.
It stenched, the whole room. Not worse than kings landing but it still smelled like someone was peeing, pooping and vomiting and doing all humanly sickly things in the same room.Someone quite literally was.

Sooo if any of you dimwits still do not know what is happening,, yes I got self inserted as Rhaenyra Targaryen herself. Now u know the deal ,car crash fizzy memories reincarnated boom I AM RHAENYRA. Now what's weird and bad is that I didn't reincarnate as baby rhaenyra or a teen rhaenyra, I just suddenly gained consciousness of rhaenyra's body just a month ago. And the even badder part is that it is the beginning of the dance, I have no experience and no dragon riding skills and the dance of the dragons will start in probably, I don't know,? Weeks? , somehow I am still able to speak Valyrian though so I think that's good.
The worst part is that in this timeline, Luke's dragon never hatched and thus my blacks are one dragon short.
Now as you can guess my plan is to win the the iron throne.
And trust me when I say this,,,...
I WILL sit the iron throne no matter the cost.
And this is a game after all...
A game in which you win or you die..

"Go, on he's lying there"said daemon as we stood before the bed.

I took a deep breath as I uttered the words very slowly under my breath.
"Let the game begin"

As we reach the bed, I see a body lying on the bed which I would have mistaken for a dead corpse had I not noticed that it slightly trembled every time the king drew a breath.
His condition was terrible, there was a rotting smell, and his head was completely bald with silver withered tuffs of hair on his side of the head.
His eyes and most of upper left face was covered with a band-aid.
As I saw him, I suddenly tapped into one of rhaenyra's past memories for a brief period.

In that I saw a little plum but healthy and handsome man beside balerion's skull, smiling and saying lovingly
"You will be a great queen rhaenyra, I know of it"

This must be when viserys told rhaenyra about the song of ice and fire.

I suddenly gasp as I realize that a tear is falling of my lest cheek, 'No, it is rhaenyra's body that is the one feeling these emotions not me!' I remind myself.

I move forward and the king slowly opens his milky, tired, violet eyes.

I smile slightly "Morning,Father"

He smiles terribly slowly, "Oh my girl, you are back home"

I sit beside him as I hold his hands"Yes I am father, I am late but I am back"

"you are"he continues to smile
I smile back warmly.

"Husband, please excuse us for a while"

He starts to protest but I tug at his sleeve nodding slowly ensuring him that I will be able to do the needful.

He nods and then leaves, when his footsteps ate low, I lean in closer to my father.

"How have been Rhaenyra? " he asks

"I've been better than you dear father, I've been missing you for a long time, I have one more son now, my youngest, I named him Viserys after you. "

"that's an honour, rhaenyra"he chuckles

I hold his hand tightly as I give him him another smile

"I.... Always wanted to visit, I really did but there was a hesitation which I have only been able to overcome now,
I am terribly sorry for not being with you all this time. "

"ah ha ha ha, do not worry sweet girl, you are back and with me in my very possible last moments that is all that matter into end you know, though I wonder, is something political going on around here? "

"Ah yes, well it's a petition lord vaemond velaryon. He's contesting for Luke's position as heir of driftmark "

Viserys detained silence as If he had gone to sleep, I really couldn't tell.

I sigh as I continue "I know you might think that I came here for my very own selfish reasons, but I did not. I will not ask you to come to court to defend me and the right of my children, you have been defending me for a long time now while I have been misusing my position. Though I will request you to attend court on the day of the petition, I am going to be taking some major decisions to fix my past mistakes and I need you to be there for me. "

As I stand up from my chair beside the bed I whisper into his ear"I will be a good ruler father, I swear. I will not let westerosi be torn apart and even if it does... I swear in the 14's name that I will sew it all back up"

I kiss his forehead and walk out of the bedroom

As I am walking out I just hope that it worked out!

Outside the chambers of viserys, daemon is leaning on the walls with his back and look up at me as I get out.
"So where to now wife? Vaemond's quarters"
"Yes, Rhaenys will join me there"

" And I suppose I will not be allowed to participate in these secret negotiations? "he stands up facing me

As I fix his doublet and dust of some dust, I look into his eyes as I say"You know I have other work for you, we went over this a long time ago. Employ Mysaria on my behalf, reestablish your connections, send luke and rhaena out in the city for charity, introduce Jace to your gold cloaks and fly with him over the city"

"This will take a bloody long time"

"Good for you ,lord husband. You have something to do till the date of the petition "

He smirks and then kisses my hand.

I kiss him on the cheek and ask the nearest guard to escort me to Vaemond's chambers.

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