Chapter Three |• PDA

Start from the beginning

Locking her arms down he grabbed phone with one hand and kept her back with the other as he spoke into the phone.

"The one where I get exactly what I want", he said smugly, putting more pressure with his hand on Gwen's chest to keep her back.

"I'm a little unclear as to what that is", Six said avoiding the question as he did know what they wanted and he knew that they also knew.

"Okay, that's fair. Well, why don't you come on in, and we can chat?", Lloyd played along with him nicely, smirking teasingly as he spoke up again. "My assistant Gwen will get lunch."

"Assistant!", Gwen gasped dramatically as she leaned forward out of his hold. "Give me that fucking phone! Give it over, Hansen!"

Grabbing onto the psycho woman, it being very constrained in this van. Lloyd pulled her into his lap wrapping an arm around her and placing his hand over her mouth to keep it shut.

"Sorry about that. You like sushi?", Lloyd apologized, clamping his hand down harder as Gwen tried to speak.

"No, i'm good. I...just had some Skittles", Six denied.

"Tell you what-", Lloyd cut himself off as he paused, looking down to a struggling Gwen as she dogged her nails into his wrist.

"One moment", he spoke into the phone as he placed it down for a second.

Grabbing both of her hands, Gwen went to speak as he dropped his hand from her mouth but stopped as Lloyd gave her a stern look.

Reaching behind him Lloyd grabbed out a clippers of sort, the type he used to pry peoples nails off.

Seeing this Gwen began to struggle even more, thinking he was gonna rip her nails out, Fritz's eyes also widening as he witnessed this, hoping he wouldn't be next.

"Lloyd, no! Don't you dare-"

She cut herself off with a small scream, closing her eyes when he brought the clippers down to her nails, but stopped herself as she felt no pain.

Opening her eyes she looked to see him cutting all of her nails short with the clippers, along with her manicure polish beginning to peel off, this in Gwen's eyes was considered worse than ripping someone's nails out, Lloyd doing this made her want to rip her nails out.

"My manicure", Gwen frowned when she looked down at her nails once he finished.

"Your lucky that's all I did", Lloyd smiled at her, pulling her against him once again and raising his hand to cover her mouth.

"That's not nes-"

"Bye, Bye!". Lloyd cut her off, clamping his hand of her mouth again, only be able to hear her mumbles before she just took it and sagged against him.

Dropping the clippers and wiping the nails off his lap, Lloyd then calmly picked up the phone again. "Now where we're we?", he asked Six, waiting to let him answer.

"Before you cut you're partners nails off?", Six pretended to think before speaking. "You we're about to tell me something."

"Oh, yes!", Lloyd laughed, before continuing with what he was gonna say earlier, dropping the friendly tone. "Why don't we skip lunch, you can give me the asset you stole, and I won't have to chop your head off?"

"When you say things like 'Chop your head off', it makes you sound untrustworthy, even if I didn't hear what you did to your partner", Six continued to stall.

"Gwen's a big girl", Lloyd told him with a smirk on his face as he looked down to said woman in his lap. "She can take it, she can a lot more ac-"

"So, even if I had this thing, I'm not sure I would give it to you", he cut Lloyd off and pretended to be naive.

"Oh, I think you would", Lloyd disagreed with him. "See, your old COS here has drawn way outside the lines. Headquarters needs a scapegoat, and his neck is just about the right size", he stared Fitz down.

"Like you said, Fitz is a big boy. He knows what business he's in", Six quoted Lloyd when referring to his boss. "Hey Lloyd!"

"Yeah?", Lloyd smiled.

"I immediately don't like you, that 'assistant' however, I think I like her very much", Six chuckled.

"We'll, i'm glad we're on the same page", Lloyd said stiffly.

"And id like to see how much she can take", Six knew he was pushing Lloyds buttons as Lloyd Hansen didn't share.

"Yeah? Well-Ow!"

"I don't think you could handle me", Gwen now spoke into the phone, using her tongue to clean up the little pool of blood on her lips.

As after she heard that she decided to tick Lloyd off, by biting his hand so he'd let go, taking the phone and flirting with the target.

"I'll show you just how-"

The line cut off as Lloyd hurriedly pressed the big red button to hang up, grabbing the phone from Gwen and giving her a dark look filled with jealousy.

"What was that? Huh!", he snarled at her.

"Just some fun", she shrugged, putting her hair behind her shoulder.

"Fun? Fun!", he practically spat everywhere as he spoke. "By flirting with the target? The enemy?"

"I flirt with you and it didn't seem to care to you that your the enemy", she shrugged again.

"Baby", he chuckled mockingly at her. "Luckily for you, we don't flirt, we fuck, so realistically that rule doesn't apply here."

"Well, then", she trailed off, leaning in closer to him as they went to kiss, getting cut off just before they could.

It was like no one could handle a 'small' bit of PDA, it was as if it made others uncomfortable or something.

Not that Lloyd or Gwen would know anyway.

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