Love Me, Maybe

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It had been three weeks since Rache's reception. They were back home again, and everything was lovely and lively. They were both back to their regular routines and occasional dates. Ever since Mia got back from her vacation she had immense pressure at work, it was seasonal time and she had to be on high alert for new things and had to catch up on her subordinates works as well.

On a gloomy Monday, Mia found her table filled with paperwork and her annoying intern behind her heels. She put on her glasses and felt a throbbing on her left temple, "God these migraines are working up again. If only I could get my hands on a nice cup of coffee." She sighed hard and started typing again and rustled around the papers her intern had printed out despite being asked to send emails about her research. On the other side of the city was Braydon, having a good time at his work buddies and chilling in the conference room after his only pending pitch meeting was done. He had told Mia he would call her once the meeting was over as he had so much to prepare, and he can't get it wrong. Both of them in their own ways had forgotten about the call and was neck deep with whatever they were up to.

Mia was about to shout at her nerdy little intern when Noah walked in with a bouquet and a coffee cup in his hand. 'Look who got a bouquet.' He was cheerful as if he himself had received that. It was plain white lily bouquet with a little note stuck in the middle. Turning away from her desktop and taking her glasses off, she snatched the bouquet away from Noah and took out the note. "Caffeine kisses from your mystery guy", the note read.

'Who is it from? Who is it from?' Noah was jumping with excitement.

'Before I say who it is from, can I please have my coffee....' Mia stretched her hand out with an intimidating look on her face.

'Well... no one would want to steal a woman's coffee, especially a woman in looove....' Saying this he handed over the cup to her.

As soon as it was in her hand in a jiffy she took a sip, double mocha macchiato as expected. With a big sigh of relief, she stared at Noah who was sitting on her desk and was staring back at her for the answer to his question. 'Okay, let's make a deal. You get out of my desk and let me finish my work. We'll get off work early and go to the bookstore catch up with Zoe.'

'Well ma'am how is meeting with Zoe gonna help me know who the guy is?' Noah interrupted.

'Let me finish.' Mia glared back at him, the sound of her voice made her intern jump off her seat and walk away timidly pretending to have some work. They both looked at her walk away, Noah waited until he was far enough not to hear them; he pointed at him and asked, 'what's that about?'

'Don't bother, guess my manager hired him just to get on my nerves. Anyway, getting back to the topic, once we meet, I'll tell Zoe and you about him and maybe you know' you can meet him afterwards.' Mia was trying hard to hold in her laughter as she saw Noah's reaction change and finally ended with a widened smile. Without saying a word, he got up and ran off back to his seat and dropped her a text "yaayeee" to Mia.

As soon as she had promised Noah about it, she had dropped a text to Braydon, and he just could not contain his happiness. He really liked Rache and now was even more excited to meet two of her new friends she had made at this new city. Zoe was over the moon when she heard Mia had a boyfriend and wanted to kick their evening off at her bookstore. As planned Mia and Noah got off early and went to meet Zoe at her bookstore. Braydon was waiting for them behind one of the bookshelves and jumped out to greet them.

'Wait a diddly darn minute. You've been in my store all along?' Zoe sounded a little disappointed.

Mia on the other hand was staring at him with her head tilted to her left.

'Yes, you guessed it right.' Braydon whispered to her ear and put his finger on lips as a gestured asking her to shush.

Mia burst out in laughter understanding that Braydon has something nice planned for after. The trio and Braydon now had to decide what they were gonna do the rest of the evening. Finally, they all met in the middle to hang out in the top floor chill-out in Zoe's store and to order some coffee and snacks.

An Unwritten ChapterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora