Ma Famille Est Complète (Part 139)

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My family is complete :)

It took a while, but finally help arrived. Amazingly, Jack, Lily-Rose and Jacob didn't wake up although Malcolm and Dan did. Sean, Malcolm and Dan thought it'd be best if they either sat with Jacob in his bedroom or if they stayed at their chalet because none of them really wanted to witness Leah and Johnny's child's birth. They decided that they'd stay with Jacob to make sure he'd not wake up and disturb his parents.

"Hello, ma'am and sir." One of the Jamaican male nurses said. His English was mixed. He had a thick accent, but he did know enough English to be able to help Leah and Johnny properly. "Is this your first baby?"

"My second, Johnny's 3rd."

"4th, actually." Johnny reminded her, meaning that Jacob was also his son.

"Alright, so you both know what will happen. Knowing what to do will make this whole thing easier."

A younger female nurse arrived soon after with some equipment and towels. She laid everything on the dining room table. "Ok, ma'am, can you lay down on the bed and pull your underpants down?" Her English was also mixed, but she seemed to have less of an accent compared to the man. Leah did as she was told and laid down. The nurse checked her, "It looks like you're 8cm dilated already. That's good. Only a couple hours until your little baby will be born. Do you know if it'll be a girl or boy?"

"It'll be a girl. Johnny and I found out a while ago."

"Ooh good."

Hours passed.

It was 7:20am now. Leah was nearly there. The contractions were hard, but coming to an end. Leah's whole face was red and sweaty. Johnny was now stood right beside her. He tried his best not to get in the way, but he wanted to stay by Leah's side the entire time.

The female nurse kept checking Leah. "Ok, you are almost there. You need to do 2 big pushes when I tell you to and that'll push the baby's head out, ok?"

"Alright!" Leah cried.

Johnny held her hand and tried his best to support her. A few tears left Johnny's eyes since everything was very emotional.

"...Ok, push now."

Leah pushed as hard as she could. She screamed and cried and then stopped.

"...Ok, now we'll count to 10 and you'll push again, ok?"


Together Johnny, the nurse and Leah all counted to 10.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Ok, push again, Leah!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She cried.

"Oooh, good. I can see the head. Give yourself a few seconds, and then you'll have to do one last push, alright?"


Johnny used a towel to wipe Leah's face. She was crying and sweating a lot. Johnny was more than proud of her and he was proud of Jacob for not waking up.

Meanwhile next door in Jacob's room Jacob somehow hadn't heard a thing. He slept soundly through the whole ordeal while Dan, Malcolm, Sean sat on the floor beside him.

"I can't believe he's still asleep." Sean whispered.

They could all hear Leah's screaming from outside.

"Same. This kid is one heck of a sleepy guy. I wonder how Leah's doing." Malcolm added.

"I can go and check on things..." Dan suggested. Then he thought about what kind of state Leah might be in and he changed his mind, "Or not. If she is... ya'know, actively giving birth, I wouldn't want to disturb her and Johnny..."

"Yeah. We should all stay with Jacob. I've texted Jack and he and Lily-Rose are awake, but I told them not to come until it's all over. Leah and Johnny need to have full concentration on the new baby right now." Sean told them. As he spoke to the others he held Jacob's little hand and kept him calm.


"Ok, one last giant push, Leah!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Leah pushed the hardest she could and felt the baby wiggled out of her and start to cry.

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The baby cried.

The nurse and doctor scooped the baby up and cleaned her up before passing her to Leah. The boys in Jacob's room could hear the crying and nearly started to cry themselves.

When Leah held the baby she cried more, but not because of the pain, this time she cried because she was so happy. Johnny couldn't believe his eyes. He hadn't seen a baby this tiny and cute since he first met Jacob and his own children when they were born. Johnny touched the little ones head, it had some hair on it so it felt quite fluffy and her skin was soft and light pink. She had Johnny and Jack's eyes, nose and lips. She was like a mini twin of her brother and father. Her chin was rounded the same way Jacob's chin was. The small amount of hair on her head was the same colour as Leah's dark brown hair. This baby was the most perfect mix.

"Do you think Tomi is the right name for this little wonderful baby?" Johnny whispered.

Leah leaned her head into Johnny's shoulder. "I think so. What do you think?"

"I think so too. This is our beautiful  Tomi-Leana Poppy Stewart-Depp." As Johnny said that, the little one opened her eyes big and wide and smiled up at her parents for the first time. The name suited her and they'd tall her Tomi-Le or TL for short.

:) Thanks for reading this story. Chapter 1 of 'Johnny Depp's Good Fortune' will be posted  on the 31st of December!!!

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