Just Like You (99)

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Johnny and the boys went upstairs with Johnny's bags. As they walked in Dan, Leah's body guard, was in the living room wiping the coffee table after Jacob spilled some chocolate milk on it. "Hey guys."

"What's happened?" Sean asked him.

"Little lad, Jacob, spilled some chocolate milkshake on the table by accident. Leah's in the bath and I think Jack is in his bedroom."

"Thanks." Johnny grabbed his bag from Sean and hobbled into his and Leah's bedroom where the en-suite bathroom was. He dumped the bag on his bed and knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you in there, Leah?"

"Yeah? Come in."

Johnny opened the door and found Leah in the bath washing her arms and legs off with water. Johnny sat on the corner of the bath and held her hand. "I missed you."

"Same here. You look sweaty, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just felt a little warm on the plane, that's all. The weather in England seems good today. Perhaps after the baby scan we can go for a walk in the park before I leave to go back back on tour."

"Maybe. I'll finish this bath in a sec and then we can get ready to go, Dan said he'll look after Jacob while we are out."

"Great, will Jack be driving us then?"

"Yeah, let Sean and Malcolm chill here for a couple hours."

"Ok, I'll go and tell them."

"Alright, I'll be done in a minute or two."

"Alright." Johnny went into the main part of the apartment and told the boys the plan. "Dan, Leah said you'll be staying here with Jacob, is that so?"

"Yeah. Him and I are like little partners in crime since you've been gone. I'll happily look after him while you two and Jack go to the hospital."

"Thanks, man." Johnny walked over to Jacob who was sat on the floor playing with his toy cars and Lego. Johnny picked him up, cuddled and kissed him. "Good lad. Dan is going to be looking after you this afternoon, man."

"Ok, daddy!"

"So behave, right?"

"Right! Imma be a good boy, daddy!"

"Good boy." Johnny put Jacob down on the floor again and waited for Leah to get dressed. "Also, Sean, Malc, I'll be fine without you guys. You two can chill here with Jacob and Dan or go out somewhere. Jack, Leah and I will be fine for a while with you."

"Are you sure, man? What about your leg, won't you need some help just in case it gets sore again?" Sean asked.

"I'll call you if that happens. It feels ok now..." Leah left the bedroom fully dressed. She was wearing a maternity dress. It was beige and the length went down to just below her knees. She paired it with one of Johnny's signature jackets. (The brown and blue one) Johnny grinned. "You look glorious, darling."

"Thanks. I should have asked before putting one of your favourite jackets on though, shouldn't  I?"

"It's fine. I wasn't going to wear it so as long as some one is wearing it it's ok." They kissed and Jack came out of his room. He was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt and some jeans. If Leah didn't know, she'd have thought she'd been transported back to the 80's since he looked so much like a younger version of Johnny Depp.

Jack helped his dad into the car and made sure that both a pregnant Leah and an injured Johnny were alright before setting off to the hospital.

The hospital was unexpectable busy with ambulance staff, nurses and doctors walking around everywhere. Leah and Johnny knew where to go. Leah led the boys to the maternity unit on the top floor of the hospital. They all went in an elevator because of Johnny's leg and Leah's big belly. From the elevator they walked down the corridor to the place they needed to go for the scan. Jack spoke to the receptionist and checked Leah in while she and Johnny waited in the waiting area.

Johnny Depp's Misfortune (A Johnny Depp Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now