7. Good riddance ..?

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She wanted Peter, that much was clear to her. Juliette lay in bed face down a couple days later. She had been so stupid. What had she been thinking, touching his face?

But he hadn't done anything to stop her. In fact, Peter had only moved closer. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

But it wasn't fair to him. He was also in love with Juliette out of the suit. They were the same person, but he didn't know that. She was glad she left before he could have spoken. Because if he had asked her to stay, it would've ended with the two of them kissing on the rooftop. 

Just the thought of it moved the butterflies in her stomach. Lately she was nervous all the time, especially now that the week of waiting was close to over. Her brother would be here soon. She hoped Clint would notify her when and where to meet him, because he definitely couldn't just show up at their front door.

She reluctantly pulled herself out of bed, and changed from her pajamas to some jeans and a hoodie. She had to leave for school in an hour. She did her makeup, put her hair up and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. 

As she was eating her toast, she got a message. A reply from Kate. It said;

Hey, Juliette! I'm glad you want to join us, and you're right, we should meet. I'm good anytime (no school), but my friend Kamala said she can do today or the day after tomorrow. When works for you?

She considered for a second. She would rather meet them today, because in two days her brother might be here. She wanted to spend the whole day with him, so today was better. She replied; Today is great, just send me the address and I can be there at around four. Can't stay too long though.

Kate agreed moments later, and sent her the details. Ana walked in the kitchen, yawning and still in her sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. Juliette smirked and said, "That's a nice outfit. If you wear that to school Wesley'll probably propose to you on the spot."

This, however, changed something in Ana's face. And she wasn't smiling. Juliette saw it and asked slowly, "How did the date go?" Ana, seemingly glad to finally talk about it, said; 

"I don't know! We had a lot of fun during the movie, and talked non-stop before, but when it was done, he just kind of left. Like he lost interest in me that fast." Ana's shoulders slumped when she finished, "He hasn't texted me since last night."

Juliette scoffed loudly. "What a prick." She thought about what her friend needed, and decided to just ask. "Do you want to forget him, or do you want to get him interested again?"

Her friend just replied confusedly, "I have no idea. I have to see him first, see if he'll still stare at me in class, you know? Then I know if there's a chance." Juliette nodded. 

But thinking of school turned her insides up and down. She'd have to see Peter, and she had no idea if he suspected she was the girl in the mask. When she asked him what he could see about her last night, he named the same things he had looked at when she read his mind. What if he had connected the dots?

Half an hour later, they headed out the door. She didn't say anything when she saw Ana all dressed up. She was going to try so hard to get Wesley's attention, and that wasn't what she wanted for her friend at all. 

From the moment they walked in the door, Juliette sent tendrils of power throughout all the corridors, warning her of Peter. They didn't have any classes together, so if she skipped lunch, he might not see her at all. Meanwhile Ana was looking around desperately for Wes. 

A two periods later they walked into their biology class. Wes saw them and smiled. And that was all he did, turning around and continuing the conversation with his friends. Her friend's smile left her face as quick as it got there. 

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