Chapter 6 •Don't Sleep•

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"Oh, hi (y/n)"




"I have to tell you something-"


"I was just gonna-"

"Shhhh. SHHHHHH."

For Jesus Christ Branch, let the girl speak.

Just mere seconds ago Branch pulled Poppy inside the bucker, as he quickly placed traps all around and across the room to which all of you are now stuck sitting in this confined space. It was the three of you, sitting down all side by side as the room was quiet.

Poppy gazed at Branch, with an annoyed look as she raised her hand signaling Branch that she wanted to speak.

"What? What could be so important that it's worth leading the Bergen right to us?" Branch snapped back in a quiet whisper.

"The Bergen's gone-"

"You don't know that!"

"Okay buddy, cut some slack on this bergen bullshit," you responded mildly annoyed. The amount this dude has cut off Poppy mid sentence is surprising to you.

"It could still be out there," He claimed, now putting that salty attitude towards you. He carried on.

"Watching." he glared to a stare now towards Poppy, "Waiting." Now fumbling with his fingers as the seconds passed, "Listening." He whispered in a very soft tone as he perked himself up as well as his ears perking up as well. Damn this dawg was overdramatic.

"No.. it left! It took Cooper, and smidge, and fuzzbert, and Satin, and Chenille, and Biggie, and Guy Diamond, and Creek!" You looked bewildered as Poppy pulled out names out of her ass, as Branch just merely responded with "eh," when hearing the last name slide out of Poppy's mouth.

"Which is why I have to ask you.. two." She paused for a moment, as now you were invested in this conversation since now you were included by her.

"Will you go to Bergen Town with me and save everyone?" Bergen Town? So this creature you've been hearing the trolls talk shit about has their own town too and is not some rapid fat animal? Including that, you were finally given the opportunity to go and travel and do something other than getting random ass supplies and staying in Branch's bunker?


"WHAT? NO." He looked at Poppy unamused but turned his head around to look at you, surprised how you fully agreed to the idea. Poppy also glanced at you, smiling as someone agreed to her idea as well. Althoughhh that grin slightly frowned as she looked at Branch.

"Branch!! You can't say no, they're your friends! Even (y/n) agreed to come along!" You were proud agreeing to come along, in fact, that was the proudest 'Fuck yeah!' you ever did in your life.

"Uh-uh-uh, They're your friends plus (y/n) probably doesn't even know what she is agreeing to right now," yeah you didn't, but you wanted to be free from being a slave worker alright.

"I'm staying right here in my bunker where it's safe."

Poppy rolled her eyes, "Oh that's great,"

"You're the one guy who knows more about Bergens than anyone but when we finally need you, you just want to hide here forever?"

"That's definitely a Branch thing to say Poppy, don't get me wrong but you described him perfectly," You butted into the conversation, as you grinned mischievously as you basically just outed Branch right there. Branch noticed this and elbowed you to stop.

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