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(Author's pov)

Vihaan hurriedly entered the room with a glass of lemonade in his hand. He was afraid of how sick she was getting, he couldn't bear to see her like this, this vulnerable. His heart stopped when he saw those tears crystalline her beautiful orbs.

He saw her seated with the help of  headboard with her eyes closed. Striding towards her in a jiffy, he sat next to her.

"Jaan" he softly spoke.

Hearing his voice, she opened her eyes but everything spinned around her. She moved into his embrace.

"You are so warm" she mumbled.

"How did you manage this in past weeks?" He questioned, tilting his head towards her.

She stilled at his question, she knew she lied past weeks, he will try every possible way to make her regret. She gazed at his curious orbs.

"I went to Kritika's place, I didn't have any place to go" she confessed, staring at the wall behind him.

Anger bubbled inside him with clenched teeth he thought, 'I was here, every single moment but she didn't bother'.

"Drink this" he pulled her out of his embrace a bit harshly.

She held the glass, tears gathered around her eyes.

"Vihaan, listen to me" she pleaded while trying to grip his hand, he moved back.

"You didn't bother earlier, so why now?" He spoke through his gritted teeth and turned around to leave.

"Don't go" she craved for him, he thought for a moment, but his cell phone beeped with a message indicating him, he had a meeting to attend.

He half-heartedly left, but his steps took him to his mother. He called for her anxiously. "I'm leaving, Heer woke up but is feeling dizzy, stay with her".

"Why, Aren't you helping her throughout?" Sakshi questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Mom, please" Vihaan pleaded, he couldn't stay with her at this instant he might burst out, and he didn't want this at any cost.

"Beta, forget her mistake, she needs you, calm yourself and then stay with her" she spoke keeping his hand over his cheek and left.


The Rajvanshi's ~ An unfading love sagaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora