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(This one's kinda iffy...) 🤨

Where Rachel Park is among the richest, sought-after, multi-millionaire celebrity bachelorettes of her time. Her family is practically rolling in money, owning law-firms in Australia, while she took it upon herself to work hard to earn her name... she became an idol in their heritage country. Rachel is well-respected, popular, and widely loved. To her family, status and image is absolutely crucial to maintaining a respectful career. And while Rachel has worked so hard for many years from such a young age to 25, there's one thing she can never have. And it stems right from the career she has worked so hard for. She cannot fall in love, especially with just anyone, and she must hide it completely. The public shall never know.

Rachel has never been in love before. She could never afford to. But as she gets back from yet another round of pointless parties full of people that couldn't give a damn about her, she realizes just how lonely she truly is. Rachel is grateful for her friends, for her family, but there's always seemed to be something missing. Something or rather — someone that's not there. Like any selfish human being, Rachel craved for more — craved for what she'd see in all those dramas and media. Love, lust, comfort & care.

One day, Rachel's recommended a service by a friend of a friend. Curious as she was — with the help of some depressive thoughts after having alcohol — she decided to check the service out.

"A companion..." she read. Companion was a blunt way of putting it. This person would be there for practically her every need. Emotionally, physically, sexually. Something of a courtesan but this time for anyone with a good amount of wealth regardless of gender. Granted, Rachel would need to cover the expenses of taking care of this person in practically every way like some sugar mommy, but in exchange would this sugar baby be giving Rachel what she desired most.

One rule though: the relationship must stay professional. The companion reserves the right to drop the contract after six months if they have a good enough reason. At any point that the owner mistreats or abuses the companion, they are free to leave. The owner cannot keep their companion for more than five years. Therefore — no falling in love.

That was fine with Rachel, she just needed someone to waste her time with whenever she wanted for the next few years of her life before finally being a bit more free to date.

(Until she lets the companion, Y/N, in too much and starts falling in love. Uh-oh.)

Rachel stares at the pictures of random girls and boys. "This is like Tindr for sad freaks..." she muttered. As she scrolled, none of the candidates seemed to interest Rachel. There were a few maybe's — but it all seemed so fake and posed that Rachel almost decided to shut off the whole thing — that was until her eyes darted towards one person at the end of the list. A young woman with rather striking features and an almost innocent vibe — she wasn't smiling or putting her face in some dramatic pose — but rather simply sitting straight and facing the camera. Something about the set up was eerie, like the young woman did not want the picture taken, nor did it seem like she wanted to be there.

'Well, neither do I.' Rachel thought to herself. She continued to stare into the eyes of the young woman. Was she being delusional or was there actually a sign of fear in the young woman's eyes? The rules were a bit vague on how these companions are treated, and Rachel was sure there had to be some gray-areas — loop-holes where owners could get away with abuse. Who could take better care of a companion than Rachel? She looked further into the young woman's profile and saw that her name was Y/N, Y/L/N. She was quite young, recently turned nineteen and that makes Rachel think about the way she started her idol career at nineteen as well.

"I guess my career isn't too far off from hers. The only difference is being able to physically own a person verses owning and controlling a person's image that pleases the public. Which could have almost gone down the same path had it not been for something called, human rights."

• Rachel craves someone to love — someone who will stay.
• Y/N craves freedom — an escape of her life to the next stage by whatever means possible.

Rachel begins falling in love with Y/N, while Y/N notices her own growing feelings that she's confused about. She's never done this before, but neither has Rachel. And it's not like either of them were forced into this. They chose this and now they're trying to figure things out together. But Y/N can't afford to be falling in love, not when the next stage of her life is just out of her reach.

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