Champagne Problems

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(Chaennie x Reader)

For a moment, you looked like a bird about to take flight. Standing on the tips of your toes with your arms slightly raised at the sides. The wind blew your feathers and your eyelids shut, just enough time for me to stare at your beauty and wonder how in the world fate led me to you.

You who laughed with tears in your eyes before you could even get to the punchline of the joke. You who stayed up countless nights just to hear my voice. You who had a smile that came so easy, masking over a sensitive heart so pure I was afraid it would shatter like glass from my touch alone.

I don't belong with someone that good and kind. A soul so beautiful. I don't belong with someone like you.

But in this moment, I felt the romance everywhere. It surrounded us by the sweet scent of morning forest pine, the sight of colourful autumn — red, orange, yellow — from tree branches above, and the sounds below where our boots crunched layers of pine needle and bunches of dead leaves.

I felt it in the touch of our hands as we walked the forest trail, where your hand felt so cold that I slipped it into my coat pocket and held it there with mine. Your cheeks kissed and a lowered gaze to hide your pretty, shy smile. You must have thought I was so good at this, that I knew what I was doing.

(So short...)

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