Egon: Very good Louis. Short, but pointless.

The female prosecutor was pointing at items laid out on the evidence table. On it were three proton packs, a ghost trap, and a jar of pink slime.

Prosecutor: Mr. Fianella, please look at exhibits A through F on the table over here. Do you recognize this equipment?

Fianella: Yeah. That's the stuff the cops took from their truck.

Prosecutor: Do you know what this equipment is used for?

Fianella: I don't know. Catching ghosts maybe. 

Prosecutor: May I remind the court that the defendants are under a judicial restraining order that strictly forbids them from performing services as paranormal investigators and eliminators. 

Judge: So do it.

Prosecutor: Now, Mr. Fianella, can you identify the substance in this jar marked 'Exhibit F'. 

She walked over to the table and picked up the jar of slime. She then walked over and handed it to the man. He examined it very carefully.

Fianella: Yeah that's the stuff, alright. Your honor, I've been working underground for Con Ed for 27 years of my life. I never saw anything like this. Whatever's down they, they must have put it there. 

Ray: No we didn't!

Stantz quickly stood up in protest. The others tried to get him to sit back down. The judge began hitting his gabble to silence the courtroom.

Judge: Shut up!

After a few more testimonies, Y/N couldn't take it anymore. He looked at Winston and the two nodded at each other. They walked out of the courtroom to the hallway. Y/N rested against a wall and let out a long sigh.

Winston: Seems pretty stacked against them.

Y/N: You're telling me. Even if they had managed to loop through the restraining order, there's still the matter of the blackout. 

Winston: Yeah. We're lucky if they even get parole. 

Winston looked over his shoulder and noticed two cops. One of them was holding another jar of the pink slime. He walked over to talk to them.

Winston: Excuse me, officer, you may want to put that down. I'm not sure it's entirely safe.

Officer: Hey, back off man! Whatever this dyed jello is, I'm sure it's perfectly fine.

Y/N: He's right officer. We don't entirely know what that substance is made of. It could be toxic to-

Officer: Alright, you shut it too buddy! Tricksters and charlatans like you and your buddies are the reason why this city is as bad as it is.

Y/N looked over at the pink slime. He noticed it began to bubble in the jar. It appeared to be reacting to the man's emotional outburst.

 It appeared to be reacting to the man's emotional outburst

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