when you're jealous

Start from the beginning

- exam season was slowly approaching, and regulus was feeling the pressure of retaining his straight A's
- he spent most of his time in the library, but found the time to bring you on dates at least once a week
- that was, until he started to study alongside luna lovegood
- you loved luna, she was so sweet and beautiful, but you couldn't help but feel slightly insecure at the thought of regulus and her spending time together
- as time passed, you began to see less and less of him, only meeting up at breakfast and dinner time.
- you had asked to study with them, but he continuously shut down the idea, stating your presence would be too distracting.
- you knew he meant no harm in the comment but it still hurt, especially when you found them roaming the halls together
-  you were fed up, if he didn't want to see you then so be it. you began to ignore him, walking past him in the hallways and sitting away from him at breakfast
- he was a smart man so he noticed that you were acting different, and went to find you in the courtyard one evening
- regulus: "i've been neglecting you my love"
- he sat down next to you on a bench, gazing up at the stars that began to appear
- y/n: "kinda...yeah"
- you tried to hide the tears in your eyes. you didn't even feel angry, just upset
- regulus: "i'm truly sorry, i got so distracted with the upcoming exams that i lost track of what is actually important to me"
- he reached out and wiped your tears away with his thumb, closing the distance between you
- regulus: "i promise to never neglect you again darling, there's no one else i'd rather be with. if you were with me whilst i studied the only thing id be able to focus on is trying not to kiss you"
- you looked over at him, knowing you couldn't stay mad at him for long
- y/n: "you better pass those exams after all this"
- you smiled at him which he returned
- he picked you up bridal style, walking you around the flower beds under the stars, whispering sweet nothings in your ear 


- a new girl had joined theo's smoking circle, and she was getting on your last nerve
- she would insist on sharing a cigarette with him, batting her eyelashes, pretending she doesn't know how to hold a smoke so he would touch her hand
- the last straw was when she kept blowing smoke in his face, a poor attempt at flirting
- you lit a cigarette of your own, stressed at her behaviour. theo grabbed it from your mouth, chucking it over the astronomy tower wall
- theo: "no, they're bad for you amore"
- the girl rolled her eyes at you, blowing more smoke in his face and giggling
- you got up and went back to his dorm, cursing both of them under your breath. he followed you, noticing the shift in your attitude
- you had brought her behaviour up to him countless times, but he didn't seem phased
- theo: "well i'm not interested in her, so what's the problem. it's not like anything's gonna happen"
- y/n: "that's not the point theodore. the point is that she's clearly trying to get with you even though she knows your taken and you won't distance yourself from her"
- he laughed at your frustration, leaning against his bedroom drawer
- theo: "per l'amor di dio y/n, are you actually that jealous? it's not my fault you don't trust me
- you could feel a headache forming, he just wasn't getting it.
- y/n: "no but it's your fault you enjoy some sluts attention more then your girlfriends feelings. y'know what fuck this, go smoke with her, fuck her while your at it"
- theo: "the only girl i'm gonna fuck is you angelo, your irresistible when jealous"
- he throws you onto the bed and gets on top of you, kissing down your neck
- y/n: "what's your little girlfriend gonna think hmm?"
- theo: "she's annoying as fuck, i'll only ever care about you. i'll get tom to kill her if you want"


- lorenzo berkshire only had one singular red flag
- he was friends with his ex
- they had only dated for four months, he had broken up with her but it was clear she still harboured some feelings for the boy
- he was too nice to tell her to go away whenever she approached him, and although you trusted enzo, the thought of her trying to get back with him ate away at your mind
- it wasn't until one day in potions that you finally snapped
- you were brewing amortensia, and before you could make your way over to partner with your boyfriend, she beat you too it
- being too nice of a guy, he simply shot you an apologetic smile before setting up their work station
- you partnered up with draco, who found the whole situation ridiculous
- draco: "would he not just tell her to fuck off, i'm getting secondhand embarrassment from her desperation?"
- perhaps it was dracos words that fed your anger, or the way she would giggle and brush enzo's shoulder each time he spoke, but you had to refrain from blowing the classroom up
- as the potions were settling, enzo approached you but you brushed him off
- y/n: "i'm not in the mood right now berkshire"
- he ran a hand through his hair, stressed
- enzo: "cmon bub you know i hate being rude to people, i swear there's nothing more"
- y/n: "well if you're too scared to hurt her you're gonna hurt me, so at least i know where i stand"
- you turned back to draco, who shrugged his shoulders at the other boys panicked expression.
- enzo: "bubs please- "
- he was cut off by slughorn, who began to call each student up one at a time to take a sniff
- slughorn: "mr. berkshire, if you may"
- enzo dipped his head down, taking only a small sniff before a smile broke out on his face
- enzo: "vanilla chapstick, library books and peach perfume. y/n, the only girl i love"
- your heart skipped a beat at his confession, but you nearly fainted as he made his way over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the classroom. you could hear the other students 'oohhhs' as you made your way down the hallway to his dorm
- he cut his ex off and made it up to you 👁️👁️🧎🏻‍♀️

- adores you when your jealous
- reminds him of how much you love him, but secretly pretends to be annoyed
- tom: "your overreacting, all she needed was help with her history essay
- you stood at his desk and scoffed, growing even more frustrated
- y/n: "oh please, it's clear she wants you. plus when did you, the tom riddle, start helping other students"
- he smirked at you, putting down his pen and sitting back, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
- tom: "everyone wants me y/n, what's new?"
- y/n: "she was giving you bedroom eyes for fuck sake"
- he simply stared at you, an amused expression on his face
- you gave him a sarcastic smile, rolling your eyes and turned to leave, knowing this conversation would get you nowhere
- he got up and firmly grabbed your waist, spinning you around and pushing you lightly until you were sat at the end of his bed
- he stared down at you, gripping your chin and tilting your head upwards to look at him
- tom: "yeah? and who's the one in my bed right now?"
- he tsked as you refused to speak, releasing your face and undoing his belt
- tom: "drop the attitude love before i fuck it out of you"
- 👩‍🦽👩‍🦽👩‍🦽

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