2.2 Friends Over Coffee

Start from the beginning

Y/N: I am so sorry! I am such an idiot. 

Woman: It's alright. You're fine.

Y/N looked at the woman. She was one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen. She had dark, brunette hair that fell down past her shoulders. She possessed a wide smile and hazel nut eyes. She wore a black winter coat with a white turtleneck and a tan winter hat.

 She wore a black winter coat with a white turtleneck and a tan winter hat

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The woman also looked up at Y/N. She was caught off guard by the man, expecting someone with a bit more gruff and stubble. After a moment, the two recognized each other. She had seen him working near the exhibit and even had a few small conversations with him. After a moment, her train of thought resurfaced and she collected her items.

Woman: Thanks. Um, so I've seen you working around here before. What are you...

Y/N: Oh, I'm Y/N L/N. I work on the advertisement for the exhibit. Well, I used to anyway.

Y/N shook her hand as he greeted himself. 

Woman: Oh, I'm sorry. Were you let go?

Y/N: Yeah, I was fired. Guess Mr. Wellesly didn't like my designs.

The woman caught a glimpse of the files and drawings in the man's satchel case. She had even seen him working on a few designs in the previous weeks.

Woman: That's a shame. I personally really like your designs.

Y/N: Really?

Woman: Yeah. They give off that dark, neogothic, Victorian vibes. I'll have to talk with him about that.

She accentuated her words when describing the drawings. Y/N smiled at the enthusiasm she was clearly showing. 

Y/N: Really?! Thanks. I didn't catch your name by the way. 

Woman: I'm Grace Wellesly.

Y/N: You wouldn't happen to be related to...

Grace: Yes. Mr. Wellesly is my father. 

Y/N: Oh, I would have never guessed. You seem so nice.

She smiled at his comment. There was a moment of silence between the two. Y/N then caught her studying his face. He gave her a puzzled expression. 

Grace: You know, you look so familiar. I swear I've seen your face before on TV.

Y/N: Well, then it must have been a few years ago. I was a paranormal investigator and eliminator.

Grace: Wait, you were a Ghostbuster?!

Y/N: Yeah.

Grace: That's so cool! You must have seen some wild things! How many ghosts did you catch?! What was your weirdest encounter?! Did any of them have chains wrapped around them?!

Y/N began to laugh at the girl's enthusiasm. She stopped and smiled brightly. She soon started to giggle as well.

Y/N: Sorry. It's just, most people are skeptical when I tell them I've encountered ghosts. Most don't believe in spirits at all.

Grace's eyes went big.

Grace: Oh I'm a firm believer. This one time, when my dog passed away, I touched his bed and it felt warm. 

The two continued to smile at each other. There was another moment of silence before Grace continued. 

Grace: Um, can I offer you a coffee? It's the least I can do for my dad firing you.

Y/N: Sure. That sounds nice. 

Y/N and Grace walked out of a nearby coffee shop. They continued their conversation. Y/N had just finished telling her his life story.

Grace: So, you grew up in the middle of nowhere, Oklahoma, moved to New York to pursue the city life, failed a college course, became a Ghostbuster and made it big, saved the city, and are now back to being a nobody?

Y/N: Basically, yeah.

Grace: Do you ever miss it?

Y/N: What?

Grace: Being a Ghostbuster.

Y/N: I miss the thrill of it. Each day felt like you were going on a new excursion, uncovering things people only imagined in folklore. I also miss just being part of a team and feeling like I belong somewhere.

Grace: I bet you miss the ladies too, right?

Y/N: Ha. No. That was always more Venkman's thing. I never really found anyone that special.

Grace: Well, keep your chin up. I'm sure something will come along.

Y/N: Thanks.

The two just smiled at each other

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The two just smiled at each other. Grace tried to hide her embarrassed face. They shared another moment of awkward silence. The moment was interrupted when Grace looked at her watch.

Grace: Oh shit! I've got to go. It was nice meeting you.

Y/N: You too.

The two waved at each other as they went their separate directions. Y/N smiled to himself, thinking about the amazing girl he just met. 

Y/N unlocked the door to his apartment. He had just walked in and turned on the TV when the power went out. Great, he thought, another issue to fix. He lit a match and went over to the fuse box to investigate. There was nothing. He looked around and found others in the apartment complex had the same issue. All of Manhattan was experiencing a blackout. 

After about two hours, the power came back on. Another hour later, Y/N's phone began to ring. He walked over to answer it, holding the receiver close to his ear.

Y/N: Hello?... Oh, Winston. Hey how are you... I'm sorry they did what now?

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