Start from the beginning

Yunho rubbed his temples, "That's more serious than I thought." He commented sarcastically.

Wooyoung didn't miss the occasion, "Yes, because he used his free time for something productive and useful, instead of wasting it between one mean comment and the other."

The attacked male glared at Wooyoung but, as he was about to open his mouth to reply, Hongjoong stepped in, "Don't you dare start arguing."

Seonghwa leaned close to the bed, "Did he tell you where he was imprisoned?" He inquired softly as if dealing with a toddler.

The girl shook her head, answering negatively, "Though he felt he had never left this hospital."

"That's a good start." Sang Hongjoong, his shrilling voice tone pleasantly shocked Somi, who couldn't contain the smile curving her lips at the thought of her being useful to the group, for once. Finally, she felt as if she was truly helping them and was not being a burden as she had always feared. "What's your plan, then?" He lastly added.

Somi gasped, "Honestly, I have no idea. As long as he has the pills, he can predict every move we attempt." She rapidly reasoned while brushing her chin with her fingers.

Mingi was staring at an undefined point on the floor in front of him pensive, "Which means that..."

"We have to prevent him from taking those pills. Only in that way, we'll be able to act." Somi completed his sentence.


"What the heck?" Aggressively murmured Tsuki, punctuating every single word, wondering if she had suddenly lost her sanity or if what she had just eavesdropped was true.

She was aware that she was committing a mistake, nonetheless, she knew Somi and could tell from miles away and with eyes closed that something was off. The blonde girl had been acting weirdly distant and distracted, lately, which only nourished Tsuki's curiosity.

Still, she would've never expected to hear such things, such... nonsense but, for some strange reason, she believed everything she and Ateez had talked about. Probably, they also needed help and she was convinced she was the right person that indulge them.

So, she opted to get busy. The girl planted her feet on the ground and used them to raise her bottom from the floor and straighten her legs which were all stiff because of the crouched position she had assumed to listen to the conversation.

She wondered where she could start, and if she were a pill where would she hide? If she was the illegal possessor of something that was affecting her job (and she wasn't even trying to hide it) where would she keep that "something"?

If it had been for her, she would've never left those pills unattended. She would've kept them in her pockets, or hidden them in her bra like a teenager hiding the proof of a transgression.

Following that instinct, she then began to think of a plan: how could she verify with hands that the surgeon was carrying the pills in the pocket of his white coat? What if they were inside the pocket of his dress pants? Just imagining her hands "inadvertently slipping" down to his groin made her shiver and gag with disgust. She shook her head, hoping to shoo that scene away from her brain.

However, what she believed was only her fervid imagination, had become a reality the second after the top of her head hit something hard, making her yelp and step backwards, and what she wished was a wall, turned out to be a person and not a random one.

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