Character Art

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I'll update this later but here's some artwork of appearing characters and others from my fanfic, "FIREWEAVER"

I'll update this later but here's some artwork of appearing characters and others from my fanfic, "FIREWEAVER"

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Reference sheet (forgot to do the back 😭)

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Reference sheet (forgot to do the back 😭)

Alternative suit idea. This one looks more sleek so I'm leaning towards it

 This one looks more sleek so I'm leaning towards it

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Bust portrait

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Bust portrait

Unfinished illustration of Doctor Ophelia (Gunhilda) Octavius

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Unfinished illustration of Doctor Ophelia (Gunhilda) Octavius. Gotta finish her braids and the tentacles

Bonus; first design from earlier in the year

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Bonus; first design from earlier in the year.

Breakdown of Esme's suit and design:

At first I was making a spider sona and after asking several friends what aesthetic fit me most fire was chosen, so I chose orange since it's the opposite of blue, and the most obvious color that comes to mind when you think of fire lol.

The brown was hard. I played around with several other colors like green (opposite of red) and considered it mostly because I wanted to incorporate Esmerelda's eye color since that's her most defining feature. Ended up throwing it out the window because it looked terrible lol.

I even tried to make the suit look like a Brazilian jewel tarantula but threw that also out the window.

I eventually settled on brown because it felt more pleasing to the eyes and I wanted the fire to be the most eye-catching part of the suit, and brown was a neutral color that let orange take the spotlight.

And then Esmerelda ended up becoming an entirely independent character because she turned out looking nothing like me 😂

I'll probably make her civilian sheet after I'm done with this current project with Ophelia. I'm also making a bust for Ophelia, and perhaps once all the former list is done, I'll do some fanart of Miguel. It was super fun doing the spider-verse art style. But also super different 😭

Like seriously, this is how my art usually looks

Like seriously, this is how my art usually looks

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