Raining Like Crap

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The town's boarding house was quiet, no crickets, no howling or barking, all there was...was rain. I was at the room desk doing arithmetic homework, the teacher writes problems down and we copied them in our books. Pa walked in the room drenched in rain, he got a job offer, I can feel it. I heard him drop his hat and coat, I continued solving the problem I was working on as he put his gun away. He slowly started walking, footsteps louder towards me.

"Hi Pa, stay warm tonight, it's raining like deer crap."

"Just got back from a job, soon, we'll blow this goddamn place."

"You mean that literally or metaphorically?"

"You know what I mean little girl. What's that you're working on?"


"You don't need that shit."

"Why Pa, I know how to do them step by step?"

"If you know how then why are you doing them now!?"

"Practice, the teacher sent us home with some. I want to learn Pa."

"Can you read?"

"Yes I can."

He leaned close to me

"Can you write?"



"Can you count money?"


"Can you tell time!?"

He leaned closer.

"Yes sir."

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Then you don't need to learn more, you know the ways of life already!"

He pulled me away from the desk and sat me on my cot, the room was meant for one bed but I got a comfortable little bed for myself.

"Go to bed, it's late."

"Yes Pa."

I laid down on the cot on my side facing the wall, my eyes remained open. Soon, he was snoring away. I got up and walked to the desk and finished my homework.

Ah-keen-ah! (A Tom and Huck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now