Chapter 1

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I'm also very dyslexic, I don't want any corrections on spelling or grammar unless it's genuinely unreadable :)

Character & powers
More characters may be added in the future <3

Researcher kat

Researcher Reggie

Doctor harkmen

Researcher Ivy

Dr Sabrina

Dr Philip

Dr Vendi

Dr Elias

Dr Ashley

Researcher Uni

Researcher Makenzie

Researcher Fern

Researcher Sammy

Named Guard: Nick

Scp 1432 Dylan
Can make things into obsidian when he chooses if he touches it and has the ability to contol it and move it (Like earth bending) apart from glass

Scp 5162 Davis
Every time he dies the day resets from when he last fell asleep he is the only one who remembers what happened (Aside from Otso and Derpy)

Scp 7240 Bryan
Imortal, can get hurt but can't die at all

Scp 1433 Iris
All pronouns(not female ones)
Can bring things to life (Dead people, broken animatronics, stone statues ect.) with a single touch.

Scp 1431 Pluto
Can teleport throughout electricity (Power outlets, tvs, computers, phones ect.)

Scp 2606 Jon
Can get people to do what his wants when he touches them. Can last until Jon stops concentrating (they are stills under his contol when he stops touching them. But if he gets hurt or distracted the contol stops. Like a concentration spell in dnd)

Scp 1407 King
can summon sweets and chocolates and sodas with a snap of their fingers

Scp 6968-1 Otso
can teleport, grab absolutely anything out of a pocket in jacket, Interdimenonal creature

Scp 6968-2 Derpy
can teleport, grab absolutely anything out of a pocket in jacket, Interdimenonal creature

Scp 1409 Jakey
Magic tricks. Can make cards appear in his hands and use them in many ways (They can become fire, sharp like knives, so on so, fourth)

Scp 4312 Colin
Can teleport in and out of dimensions and around the same dimension as he choes. Silver weakens him to the point if there's enough he can't use his power at all until the silver it not touching him/out of his system

Scp 7593 Adrian
Can use pictures to go back in time (Think life is strange)

It was around 6 in the evening, the sun was setting meaning the sky was a gorgeous orangey yellow sort of colour. The clouds pink like candyfloss and the wind was slow.

There was a warm summer smell in the air. It was early augest so the sun was begining to lower in the sky quicker the it used it.

Dylan was sat outside of an abandoned wherehouse smoking a cigarette as he scrolled on his phone. Him and his "mini" group had escaped the scp foundation around three ish weeks ago and had settled in an abandoned where house.

He was giving himself about 10 minuets to wind down, have a smoke break and give himself some time to breathe and think. Being in a room full of so many people made it difficult to think.

They had situated themselves and had gotten comfortable due to the fact Otso had made sure they had a kitchen, multiple beds and sofas and a few tvs, plus some genuine play shit like crayons and paper, balls, cards, books ect

There only issue was Otso and Derpy couldn't stay around 24/7 so they usually went shopping around midnight.

"Fucking twitter" Dylan muttered, taking a puff from his ciggeret before pausing at the sound of footsteps "Bryan go back inside I wanna be on my own for a bit okay?"

He said, sighing softly. Bryan had a habit of checking in on everyone every few hours. He thought since he was immortal anyone would and could just drop dead within a matter of whenever so he became panicy and worried

"I'm not Bryan, scp 1432"

Dyalns body stilled for a good, second as his eyes widened and he slowly looked up at the voice "I-Well hello Dr. It's been a while don't you think" he hummed, standing up and leaning against the wall behind him.

There was a large metal garage door closed behind him as a wooden regular was a few feet away into the building. He dropped the ciggeret on the floor and stomped on it before bending down and picking it up. He stuffed it in his pocket before crossing his arms and glaring at Harkmen "What took you so long hm?" he questioned

Harkmen huffed as he pressed something in his pocket "Now 1432, I would suggest you come quietly as we don't want any more trouble."

Dylan moved some hair out of his face as he heard the sounds of trucks moving closer. Knowing full well what was going to happen, he slammed his fist against the garage door three times with his fist before putting his hand flat against it, palm touching it.

"Scp 1432, I know exactly what you're about to do and I suggest you don't" Dr Harkmen warned, taking a step back slightly. There was hushed talking and movements in the warehouse before it fell silent and Dylans shoulders relaxed.

"And I know exactly what you're going to do, and I don't appreciate being locked up again. Yeah it was fun at one point but the tests? They're mean and unethical" Unethical? The word felt like it echoed as Dylan said it. It went in slow motion as harkmens brows furrowed and he stared at the Scp before him

"If it was so Unethical the Ethics committee would have gotten involved. And they haven't" his voice was grouchier so clearly Dylan had hit a nerve "Now who else is with you? Are you with a group or are you alone. I'm going to assume a group but due to the now silence..." he trailed off but Dylan knew what he meant.

The blond glanced to his left, blowing air out of his nostrils in an annoyed way before looking back at harkmen and hid face relaxed slightly "I'm....alone"

Behind harkmen, four trucks drove up, they black with black tinted windows. They looked like they could drive over grass and dirt with ease.

One of the doors opened and two people stepped out. A short male and a tall lady. The woman had long silver white hair tied into a high pony tail. She had a green shirt on and black shorts with black boots. She had a white lab coat, as did everyone else seen.

The shorter male had milky brown hair and was wearing blue overalls of sorts with a grey top. He had brown trail boots and also wearing the white lab coat.

"Dylan!" the woman yelled, walking over. She held a clipboard close to her chest as the shorter male ran behind "Are you out of your damn mind? You had literally just been given walk around priverlages hours before you ran off. Did you know how, difficult that was to get sorted!?"

Dylan felt like a child being scolded by his parent. He rubbed the back their neck as they just shrugged "Sabrina i-"

"it's Doctor"

"....Dr Sabrina" he spat. Sabrina and the shorter male were Dylans quote on quote personal Doctors. They were the ones who looked over him, took him to do testing, granted his questions and requests. "Look at it from my perspective, if you were locked away, forced to stay in one place forever and to be tested'd want to leave too-!"

"funny that" Harkmen chuckled, interrupting the blond. Dylan glanced at him, his hand scraping at the mental door as a few purple particals began to fall from his purple hands "you almost sounds like a certain robotic penguin"


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