Eddie X Artistic Reader PT 2

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This is a fluff? I guess? 

Warning: A little bit of touching toward the end but nothing major

Gender: Still Gender neutral


Y/N had just taken a shower, excited for a special someone to come over. They were planning on watching a movie, with just Eddie and themself. They wanted to know more at this point, after Eddie had finally.. well... almost accidentally, confessed love, and so had Y/n. And now they were in their room, getting dressed. They put on a rainbow splotchy t-shirt and their F/c pants, and smiled at themself in the mirror. Brushing their hair out, they hum a tune. How long do they have before their sweet mailman arrives? He had a couple of stop left, but Y/n just wanted to see him soon!

 They took a couple minutes to get themself looking all nice before they went down stair to make some tea, for the two to sip on later. And finally they hear a knock at the door. Y/n rushes down stairs before opening the door, and seeing Eddie again. "Hiii" They say, all bubbly. "How was work?" Y/n takes Eddie by the hand and leads him in. "Oh it was work, haha." He smiles down at his hand in theirs as they led him inside. They had fixed up the couch, putting soft blanket and pillows on it before hand, and took Eddie to the couch. He sat there. "How are you, Y/n?" Y/n giggled before answering. "Happy as ever, Mr. Dear!" Y/n went to the kitchen and brought back the tea, setting it on the couches coffee table. "What movie should we watch tonight?" They ask. "Mmm. What's your favorite movie?" He asks, and Y/n proceeds to talk about their favorite movie. "Oh yeah, okay we can watch that then!" Eddie smiles brightly. 

 Y/n makes some popcorn, then puts it in a large bowl for them to share. Eddie had already grabbed the remote and opened their favorite movie, waiting for them before unpausing it. Y/n quickly turned off the lights and went over to sit by him. "This seems interesting enough!" Eddie said as he unpaused the movie and the two got all cuddled up. "So Eddie..?" Y/n started, and Eddie looked back into their as as they began to speak. "Yes?" He had a look that showed lovingly concerned. "Is this considered out first date..?" Y/n blushed, looking around, anywhere but at him. And he nodded. "If that's what you want, neighbor..!" Eddie says, which almost surprised Y/n, and they look back at him quickly, happiness in their face expressions. They lay their head on his shoulder. "That's exactly what I want.." Eddie seemed very calm about it though, and wrapping his arm around their waist, as they cuddled and kept watching the movie. 

 Every now and then, Eddie would laugh at something in the movie, and it was a silly, goofy laugh, which would make Y/n die of laughter. Not before too long, the popcorn was empty, and both were drowsy near the end of the movie. "Eddie?" Y/n look up at him, still attached and all snuggled up. "We can do this more often?" Y/n asks, and sets their hand on his stomach, before sliding their fingertips across his clothed stomach and chest, doodling little imaginary hearts and flowers. He kisses their head, then looks down at their hand, blushing deep red. "O-of course, love.." He hides his head in their shoulder before Y/n slides their hand up his shirt, rubbing his chest softly. He flinched a little, but got used to it. He would kiss their cheek, and mumbling little pet names as they kept moving their hand across his chest. "Your so warm." Y/n says, chuckling quietly. Eddie kisses them again, then sets his head back into their shoulder. "Mhmmm" He sounded tired. "Aww who's a sleepy guy~" Y/n whispers sweetly. "Goodnight.." They say, slipping their hand out of his shirt and wrapping it around Eddie, gently rubbing his back until they both drift off to dream land <3333333

GRRRRR I HOPE YOU LIKED BC I WAS CRINGING GAHHH (I think I need more help than I'm getting, it's not funny any more TvT)

Should I do part three? Prob won't unless the people want it

Any suggestions? Advice for my writing? I'm cringe, eh?



Baiiii hope you enjoyyeeddd 

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