42. ⚠️

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 San | Wooyoung "Fuck" I whispered and bit my lip

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San | Wooyoung
"Fuck" I whispered and bit my lip. I immediately noticed that I ultimately fell asleep even though I promised myself and Wooyoung to not fall asleep. The fact that my tiredness took over was bad.

I took a deep breath and looked around but the smaller was nowhere to be seen. My eyes widened, I panicked. "Wooyoung!" I yelled and immediately jumped up, the tiredness being gone within seconds. Anxiety replaced it.

I ran around trying to tell where Wooyoung was. He wasn't in the bathroom next door. He wasn't in the home gym. He wasn't in the guest's room and therefore he could only be downstairs, which I told him not to do

My heart skipped a beat when I ran downstairs and yelled "Wooyoung!" again. But nothing, no answer, no sign that he was there. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down but when I saw that the door was left open I knew that he was actually gone

"No!" I yelled and ran towards the front door in order to see whether my car was gone. But it wasn't. I looked around again. A weird smell lingered in the air. As if a very old car just went off.

Adrenaline rushed through my entire body. I immediately ran in the kitchen in order to grab one of the secret guns that I kept there. But right when I wanted to grab the black gun from my secret drawer, my eyes captured a letter that said 'San'.

My heart broke into pieces. Don't let it be a goodbye letter. Don't let it be written by Wooyoung. I can't handle this. I can't. I grabbed the letter and opened it hectically just to see a messy handwriting that definitely didn't belong to Wooyoung.

If you want him back, travel back to Seoul.
Tomorrow 10pm, Hongdae street 107.

"Fuck!" I yelled from the top of my lungs into the white walls and hallway around me turning the whole house into my very own echo. Every ones of my veins showed. They rose as if they'd explore.

I had to focus. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to see blood. But only one of these options was the one that would work out. And I knew which one it was.

War. War. War. This meant war. No one would ever take him away from me, not anymore. There was no way I'd let his stupid father get away with this. I knew what it'd mean for me since Wooyoung's father was a brat yet he wasn't stupid.

I pulled out my cellphone. I didn't even know I had it in my pocket but gladly I immediately called someone I trusted. I called someone that would've helped me. "San!" he said loudly into his device

I gulped since I couldn't even realize what just happened. I couldn't realize that the love of my life was gone. I needed him back, immediately. And if someone had touched him, If someone would've ripped out even one hair of his, I'd find that person and hunt them until there was only blood and organs left

"Where's he?! Did you see something?!" I yelled into my phone even though I was actually too angry to talk at all. The other person took a deep breath. "We located the plane he's in. They already took off. They'll land in Seoul" he replied in a stern manner.

I took a deep breath. So it was true. His father didn't lie to me. They actually traveled to Seoul. And I needed to get there too which meant that the police would immediately arrest me.
But how could I live on knowing that Wooyoung thought that I wouldn't try to get him back?

"Get the jet ready" I said in a stern and dominant manner to the other. Silence, he wasn't convinced yet. Too bad that I was his god damn boss so he had to do what I fucking told him to do. If he won't listen to me, I will kill him. I don't care about friends anymore in this situation.

"San, they'll arrest you the second you'll arrive in Seoul" he tried to convince me to stay in Thailand. He really tried to fucking convince me to stay in Thailand without Wooyoung. Living without Wooyoung wouldn't be living. It would mean my god damn death.

"If I don't follow him he'll always think that I don't care about him! He'll think that he isn't worth this risk! I don't care about getting arrested at this point!" I yelled at the other who remained silent listening to my cruel and bossy tone.

I already pulled out a tight black shirt from my closet, ready to finally leave the house. Nothing was important anymore. Nothing. The only person that I cared about wasn't with me and thus nothing mattered.

"Okay the jet will be ready but no one can come with you since-" I interrupted the other with shaky hands. "Since no one wants to get arrested besides me! Got it you fucking brat!" I yelled and ended the call.

I knew that my behavior was aggressive and not logical. But my colleagues and friends would understand. They always understood me and my weird cruel behavior. None of them would be mad at me, especially because I gifted them a life full filled with wealth.

They all owned me their life. And now I was the one who'd give up his freedom in order to show the person he loved that I cared about him. And that I wouldn't continue a life without him.

He was probably shaking, crying and whining because of the trouble. I didn't even want to know how his cruel father got him into this fucking plane. There was no way he got in there without any hesitation. At least I prayed that he hesitated.

I jumped into my car and started the engine harshly. I took a deep breath knowing that I at least wouldn't disappointed Wooyoung.

 I took a deep breath knowing that I at least wouldn't disappointed Wooyoung

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🤭 angry San makes me giggle 🤭

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