Chapter 6-Unpleasant Discussions

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After dreaming of Cassandra's past, it was impossible for Anakin to rest. He stayed up all night sitting on the balcony watching the city lights, trying to decide if he should talk to her about the terrible thing he witnessed.

The last thing he wished to do is upset the girl he felt a deep connection with. Seeing her memory was an invasion of privacy, however unintentional.

From experience, Anakin knew how angry it could make people when he sensed or saw something they didn't wish him to. The last time he broached the subject with Cassandra she bit his head off. What if he told Cassandra and it drove her away?

Anakin wasn't sure if he wanted to take the gamble. He wished his mother was still alive so he could ask her for advice. She made everything better with her warmth and quiet wisdom. Shmi would know what to do.

Thinking of his mom caused a deep ache inside him, the grief from her loss a wound in his soul. Anakin blinked back tears. He loved her so much and the Tusken Raiders took her away from him. He'd never get over being too late to save her.

Behind him the balcony doors opened and 3PO shuffled outside. "Master Anakin, what are you doing up so early?"

"Thinking." He bit out, annoyed at the droid's interruption.

3PO always had the worst timing.

"Ah, I see." The protocol droid knew not to press his master. "Shall I begin breakfast?"

Early twilight bathed the horizon, a thin band of muted purple hugging the skyline. Dawn was nearing and Anakin was no closer to a solution. "I'm not hungry, 3PO. But I'd appreciate a cup of tea."

"Of course, Master Anakin." The droid shuffled stiffly back inside, soon returning with the tea.

Anakin inhaled the fragrant steam and watched the sun ascend the horizon. He stayed outside a little longer than rose to check on Cassandra.

The doors slid open to the guestroom, and he entered. A small figure lay in the center of the bed utterly still beneath the covers.

As he drew closer, Anakin noticed she was shivering in her sleep

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As he drew closer, Anakin noticed she was shivering in her sleep. He squatted beside the mattress and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. She had a fever. The side effects of the vaccines were kicking in.

Anakin stroked the side of her face, her skin burning hot. Cassandra's eyes cracked open. "Anakin? What are you doing in here?" She sounded wary.

"I wanted to check on you." He replied.

The sorceress sat up, looking out the window. "Oh, it's time to get up."

"No." Anakin said firmly, gripping her shoulders, careful of the one in the sling. "The only thing you're doing today is resting in bed."

Cassandra glared but didn't resist when he eased her back on the pillows. "Bossy."

"Its my job to protect you, Cassandra. I take my duty very seriously."

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