A Day in the Life of the Uzumaki Family

Start from the beginning

Heaving his a sigh, Naruto sat the plate in the empty sink and started unloading the rack.

He'd had hope that his sons cease fire would last at least another month, he probably should have known better.

They'd come a long way from their constant fighting and obnoxious antics in their younger years, he could admit that. From the moment Hima was born, they'd both been growing steadily towards maturity and responsibility, puffing their little chests with inflated confidence, fussing over every move their little sister made like mother hens, they'd taken the role of big brother seriously, growing even more protective after gaining two more little hellspawns to coddle.

Treating the younger boys to the same clucking and crowding just like Hima.

Unfortunately, their destructive, bullheaded rivalry wouldn't let them to keep the peace for very long.

Those two would rather be at each other's throat.

They thrived on it really.

As much as it drove him up the goddamn wall, Naruto couldn't help but remember his own hard won, brawl-happy friendship with Sasuke when he watched his boys go head to head.

'Like father, like sons.' Hinata teased after a night of listening to the father in question whining about it.

Truer words had never been spoken.

He shrugged to himself, a smaller grin curving his lips.

Like father, like sons indeed.

Feeling giddy, Naruto made short work of the rack and started on the dishwasher. He was midway through restocking the cabinets with sippy cups and tupperware when a huge explosion rocked the house, jarring him and sending the tupperware in his hand flying across the kitchen.

Tension shot through every muscle in his body as he dropped into senjutsu, body coiled to vaporize whatever threat was responsible for the attack.

He caught himself a half second later as information bombarded his senses.

Outside his children, wife and the Anbu squad hidden in and around the property, there were no other chakra signatures in the vicinity, nor had any of his Anbu guard made a move from their positions.

Senjutsu didn't lie.

There wasn't a single enemy in the village or beyond.

His tightly wound muscles slowly eased.

Exasperated annoyance flared in its place.

Eight years later and it was still hard for him to check the ingrained reflex to go charging into battle at the first sign of trouble. Protecting his family was always first in his mind after all, but there was no doubt that his time in the war had left him a bit paranoid.

Reality was, the shinobi world had been encapsulated in a lull of peace for nearly a decade now, and if there was any danger to be had in the village, it'd likely come from the Uzumaki household itself.

Thunderous explosions, home rocking earthquakes and blazing fires were more often than not caused by his hellspawn offspring than a true tangible threat. In light of that fact, Naruto had had to learn to curb his battle instincts and restrain his impulses the moment Boruto grew old enough to cause more havoc than a room full of detonating explosive tags.

He took a breath, and reigned in the alarm bells screaming in his head.

Senjutsu faded away, and a new tension rose, one he had gotten very, very familiar with after becoming a father.

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